Lighting the Way

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Summary: Chan hasn't been acting like himself lately and his hyungs want to know why. But before they get a chance to ask him they find their maknae standing on a rooftop in the dead of night, ready to jump and end everything.


Present, The Rooftop, 12:17 AM

The door opened with a loud squeak reveling Seventeen's maknae, Lee Chan, standing dangerously close to the edge.

"Chan?" Soonyoung asked, looking around curiously, all the other members of Seventeen following closely behind.

After quickly scanning the area the performance team leader then noticed how close Chan was standing on near the edge, alone with nothing but his thoughts keeping him company.

"Chan-ah what are you..." The older boy started, but stoped short once he realized why the younger was there. "Chan- Channie please come down from there, you're starting to scare me."

But the boy didn't even so much as glance in his hyung's direction, he was too mesmerized by the full moon shinning overhead in the dark sky.

"Hyung, isn't it a beautiful night," The maknae said calmly. "Even the stars are out.

Soonyoung just looked at him fearfully, but also very confused.

"Yes Channie it's very pretty, gorgeous even, can you please come down from there now." The older boy urged.

Seventeen's maknae just let out a sigh, and slowly turned around to face the older.

"But I already made it this far, I can't just... stop now."

"Yes you can," The fifth eldest said in a bright tone. "You can just step down and walk away from off the ledge."

Chan just tisked at his hyung's attitude, anger quickly rising.

"Do you know how many times I've been up here already!?"

Soonyoung looked at Chan, eyes full of sorrow and regret, regret that he hadn't seen it sooner. As did many of the other boys from Seventeen did as well, Jeonghan especially.

"I've been up here too many to even count hyung, and every time I have I've never had the guts to do anything but stand here for hours! Well tonight is going to be different, tonight I'm going to jump."

Tears started to well up in Jeonghan's eyes as he began to talk, "Channie can you please get down from there. We can all have a nice little chat about this right here, and you can tell us all why you want to jump."

Tears then started to run down Jeonghan face.

"Aegi please, get away from the edge and come over here. Come talk to us about what's bothering you."

Chan was half tempted to go over and just cry in his hyung's arms, to make the pain subsided a little. But if he did that Chan was sure they would probably take him to some hospital or something and lock him up there, and the maknae didn't want to take a chance with that happening, so he stayed where he was by the edge.

As the youngest member didn't seem to move or budge when asked, everyone just stood there awkwardly and stared at either Chan or the ground, quiet sniffles occasionally heard in the background. But as they all were looking at him the youngest member of Seventeen didn't look back at any of them, especially in the eyes. Chan was too scared if he looked at their eyes, filled with so much emotion, he would decide to cancel his whole original intention of coming here, and that was something the boy definitely didn't want.

An uneasy silence then filled the rooftop as both parties were unsure how to proceed, Seventeen still being in shock that their maknae had been up there multiple times without any of their knowledge, and with Chan, he just didn't know what to say in this particular situation. He felt like his biggest secret had just been exposed to the people he wanted to know the least.

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