Bad Intuition

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Summary: Lee Chan has always had a bad sense of things, and today proves that. Instead of being a good day like he initially thought, the maknae dislocates his shoulder during practice, and ends up going to the emergency room. So long to having a good day.


Chan was excited.

He didn't know why, but he just was.

Maybe it was because he felt like today was going to be a good day, maybe he was just happy, who knows. But whatever the reason was the young boy couldn't control himself, he was basically bouncing off the walls.

All the other members noticed their youngest attitude and couldn't help but slightly laugh. It was just like any other day with their precious maknae, always being happy and full of life.

Today was one of the days when they had to go up to the practice room and work on their choreograph for their next performance, so all the boys were getting ready to leave in short while.

Chan being energetic was already done getting ready, and waiting at the door for all his hyungs. He was just so ecstatic to start dancing new choreography they had just finished and couldn't wait to leave, but to put it in simple terms, the young boy was restless and needed something to do after a quiet weekend.

"Come on hyungs, Hurry up!" Chan yelled inpatiently. "I really want to try the new moves we learned at practice."

The young boy heard several protests around him being 'too noisy' or 'being too impatient" from around the dorm. One member, probably Woozi, S.Coups or Seungkwan, even yelled back "you're the maknae of Seventeen, you're supposed to wait on us."

After having to sit though another long ten minutes all thirteen members were finally ready, and at the door.

"Seventeen, fighting!" The youngest yelled as he exited the door first, all the older members following closely behind.

Upon arriving at the training building Chan practically leaped out the car at lightning speed, leaving the members in slight shock.

Jeonghan being the 'mom' of the group like always looked over at the maknae with a 'you better not do that again if you know whats good for you' glare, and eyed the maknae carefully as he continued walking.

Not put down in the slightest by his hyung the young boy proceeded to walk eagerly to their destination.

Once every member arrived in the designated practice room they all put their stuff by the walls or out of the way and started to warm up.

While everyone else was warming up the maknae of the group went over to the speakers in the corner of the room, then selected a few Seventeen songs for them to listen to during warm up.

Satisfied, the youngest dancer on the performance team went to the center of the room, and did what he loved, danced to the music. Setting the mood for the entire room.


A Few Hours Later

After working on the new choreography for more then couple of hours the group finally had a break, a very short break to exact.

All the members went over to their things and sat down, exhausted from the nonstop pace of practice.

Chan went over to his bag and grabbed his water bottle. He then began to chug it down in big gulps, finishing the whole thing in one go, adding a refreshing sigh at the end.

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