Whishing Star

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Summary: Chan wishes on a shooting star that he was the oldest of Seventeen and it comes true, but so does all the consciences that come with it. So is this what the maknae wanted or just what he thought he wanted?


Chan was tired of his hyungs today, actually scratch that he was tired of them period.

Not just because they played a prank on him when he fell asleep in the ride over to the studio, that wasn't it at all. It was the fact that they repeatedly kept playing pranks on him the entire day, from the time he was awake till he was he went to bed, almost nonstop the whole day.

But the thing that got his really worked up was the fact that all the older boys plated it off as a fun joke about how it was just cause he was the maknae or that it was their way to show affection to the boy and nothing else. No sorry, or no we'll stop now since you asked us, nothing.

Seventeen's youngest let out an aggregated sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Why did he have to be the maknae of Seventeen? Why did he always have to be subjugated to all their annoying antics and childishness?

Just why did it have to be him?

I wish I was the oldest, Chan thought as he looked over at all his other members just laying around and conversing with one another in their free time in the back stage room they all waited in to preform later for. Why couldn't I have just been the leader? Then I would have more authority and they would all actually listen to me more...

As the young boy thought about this he looked out the window in front of him and as a few seconds went by something shiny caught the conner of his eye.

It looks like a falling star, Seventeen's maknae thought as he saw it fall slowly in the distance. Not really surprising since it's night time after all, but it's almost impossible for them to be seen in the city...

Maybe Chan's wish would come true now that he wished right as a star flew across the sky, maybe it wouldn't, who knows.

To be honest the boy didn't believe in wishing on a shooting stars, or on a falling stars, whatever you want to call it, Chan didn't believe in it.

In hindsight maybe Seventeen's youngest should have payed more attention for what he wished for, because he was not at all ready for what was about to go down later that night.

Now wanting to forget all about the unrealistic wish and shooting star Chan began to think about about all the ways he would run and handle all the members if he was the oldest and all the ideas he could, but an abrupt call snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Hey Chan what are you thinking about over there," Seungkwan asked in a light tone, just wanting to joke around. "I can practically hear your gears turning all the way on the other side of the room."

That's it the maknae thought as he clenched his fists, he had enough teasing today and just wanted to be left alone for the rest of their waiting time, so in a hasty manner Chan got up and made his way to the door.

The boy then mumbled, "I'm going to get some air..." Leaving all his members confused in his wake.

"Did I say something wrong?" Seungkwan asked the rest of the group as he heard the youngest footsteps get farther and farther away.

Seventeen's maknae was just so feed up with all his hyungs, they just kept trying to get on his nerves today and he didn't know why. Maybe they were bored and wanted to play with him for fun, maybe they had a bet on who could annoy him the most and him to yell at the them, it wouldn't surprise Chan.

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