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Robin pov

I woke up around six O'clock a.m. I went to check on Morgan, and she wasn't there. I started to look all around the Titans Tower looking for her. She was nowhere to be found...the only place I didn't check was the top of the tower.

When I went to the top...

morgan pov

"Hey..." My brother said sitting beside me as I was watching the sun rise. I gave a smile to my brother "Hi"

"How come you are up so early?"Dick asked.I let out a little laugh "Well, I could ask you that same question?"

"I'm used to doing this ever since we were little Dick, remember?"

"Yeah, that's why I'm used to being up early too." he said as you could hear a laugh as he speaks. I nodded at what he said.

"Mom and dad waking us up-"I said

"Taking us to the top of the mountain-" Dick said

"And letting us watch the sun rise then go to sleep."I said

"Those were the best days...." we said in unison and laughed.


After the sun rises we went to the living room of the tower. No one was there...we still were the only people up.

>> >>

It's now Eight O'Clock am and we are about to go over the schedule

#1. 9:30 - 10:00; training time

#2. 10:00- 10:30 Cy teach me about technology

#3. 10:30-11:05 Video games with Beast Boy

#4.11:05- 11:55 Chess with Raven

#5. All of us eat lunch

#6. 1:00- 2:00 learning new language with Star

#7. Dick and I special training

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Time has past and I did everything on the list, except for #7 which I am on my way to do. I went to the so called 'Special training room' to meet him. When I came in, I saw the one thing that brought horrible memories...

the trapeze act "Um...Dick?"I asked with a confused look

"Yeah?"He asked

"That's a.."I said in fear  "A trapeze...like when we were little kids." He said

"Come on..."He said holding his hand out I grabbed his hand

a few minutes later I looked at the doors open and I didn't get his hand in time.

I didn't do anything I was in shock that this happened. I felt my body in someone arms I looked and it was Beast Boy

"Thanks..." I said "No problem..." he said blushing.

Dick cleared this throat and beast boy let me down

"Why is that here?"Raven asked

"Because this is our training" Dick said

"Please, how is this the training?"Star asked

"To help her with her fear" Dick said "Help with what?" I asked

"With what happened when we were little...." I said and he nodded.

>> >>

We got finish with the special training and I'm in my room on my computer sending information to Slade.

I got a knock on the door and it was Dick with his mask in his hand.Showing his green eyes

"What's wrong, Dick?"I asked him. He walked into the room and sat down on the bed beside me. I moved my closed laptop to the side.


"So what?"Dick asked

"You must have had a great time, you got adopted and all." I  said and he looked at me

"What do you mean?"He asked

"It's nothing..."I said trying to play it off but I could tell he was serious.

"No, it's not. Now tell me"He demanded

"It's not lucky that everyone will be adopted by richest man in Gotham."I said and I let a sight afterward

"Yeah...I guess I was lucky." he said with a smile, I couldn't do nothing but smile too.

"Good night." I said

"Good night Mo" he replied then he left the room. I got back started sending information.

>> >> next day

We just got finish from stoping a bad guy and we all were in the living room of the Titans tower.

Everyone was doing their own thing...Robin was playing music. Starfire was doing her hair. Raven was doing meditation, meanwhile, the other two was playing video games.

I had a blanket wraped around me because I was cold. I cleared my throat and everyone looked at me.

"Whats wrong?"Beastboy asked me "Nothing" I replied and just walked to the refrigerator to get an apple. I took one bite of the juicy, red, apple and the alarm for the bad guys went off

"Slade" Robin said with anger in his voice. Everyone moved out but me....

"Plan B has been complete. Now plan C"I smirked and said

"Come on!"I hear BB yell and I followed

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