No ones pov
Morgan and Robin are in there room looking at pictures. Robin is looking at a poster on his wall that says: Flying Graysons, and Morgan is looking at the family picture. She holds the necklace that her mom has in the picture.
"Those were the days..."Both Morgan and Robin quitely said to there self. Robin and Morgan did not notice that Cyborg and Beast Boy were at there door watching theme.
A/N: (")Means Morgan is talking, and (') Robin is talking
"Are you ok?"Beastboy and Cyborg asked.
'I guess'
"Isn't today the..."Beast Boy and Cyborg said before being cut off by Robin and Morgan, trying to hold back there fellings.
"Yeah, it is"Robin and Morgan said in a sad tone
A/N: both Robin and Morgan are talking now. For Robin, instead of mom put dad.
"I was just thinking of something mom thought me"They both say letting out a laugh... "I almost had it one time"
Beast Boy amd Cyborg looked at Robin and Morgan. "Is there anything I can do?"Beast Boy and Cyborg said.
Cyborg and Robin are in the training room. Morgan and Beast Boy are in a nother training room. Cyborg is shooting his sonic cannon at him. Robin is dodgeing swiftly.
A few seconds later
Beast Boy transforms into a Gorilla and is trying to his her, she does a couple of flips to dodge. The goal was to take no damage, and not the fall doing flips as always.
"Think fast!"Beast Boy and Robin say. Robin throws his birdarang at Cyborg, and Beast Boy throws a frisbee at Morgan.
Cyborg catches it and Morgan does a flip, using the heel of her foot to spin the frisbee up in the air.
"Nice moves"Cyborg says
"Sweet"Beast Boy says.
"Thanks"Robin and Morgan said. She catches the frisbee as it's comming down. The Grayson twins both walk away. Beast Boy could tell that she was sad, and he wanted to cheer her up.
"Wait! I got a joke for you... knock knock?"Beast Boy said. She didn't answer, just let out a sigh.
"You're supose to say 'who's there?' " he whispered to her.
"Beast Boy, I'm not in the mood"She said walking away.
"Morgan! Isn't there something I can do?"
"I'm affraid not"
"What about-"
"Maybe I could..."
"Come on I just wanna-"
Morgan lets out a sigh and keep walking "Beast Boy"She speaks walking to her room. Beast Boy keep following her trying to cheer her up.
Both Robin, and Morgan are now in front of the room. Beast Boy keep trying to cheer her up.
"I just need to be a-"
"I wouldn't open that if I were-"Beast boy says and Splat! Robin and Morgan are now covered in something.
"Beast Boy!"They both yell.
"Don't worry its not dairy,and its yogort"He says. They both go to clean there self up.
While Robin is washing his face, the bathroom door was open, and Raven is by the bath room door watching him.
'I can tell what he is felling. I've been inside his mind' Raven says in her mind.
Flash Back
The Flying Graysons, are preforming in the circus and Robin, and Morgan's parents are doing the famous act: The Grayson chain.
The wire that was holding the trampeze together broke. Morgan let out a gasp. As well as everyone else. Robin is the only one that remebers what his moms last word was before they both fell... it was his name.
Flash back ended
'I know his past'Raven said in her mind. Just then Robin saw Raven watching him.
"Raven, how long have you been standing there?"
"Robin, are you ok?" She asked.
"Yeah"he said as he was heading out to the top of the titans tower. "You know your a good friend to me Raven"
While Morgan, is outside the titans tower looking at the ocean. The sun was about to set, a calm breeze was blown...also a tear has fallen from Robin and Morgan eyes. They didn't want to admit it, but they weren't okay. This is the day there childhood changed forever, they day there love ones died.
"...It's all my falt..."They whisper. As more tears are foemed rapidly down there checks. These two were too busy crying, to hear footsteps behind them.
"Robin?"Starfire asked.
"Are you ok?"Beast Boy ask Morgan.Both Robin, and Morgan looked at them. Robin didn't care about his mask at this time, and if Starfire see his eyes.
"No, no I'm not. "They both say looking down. Tears come down there eyes. Beast Boy and Star felt sad for them. Both supper heros gave Robin, and Morgan a hug.
"Here here Robin"Starfire said as he keep crying... When he stop crying Starfire put her hand on his shoulder. Giving him a smile that cheered him up a little.
Beats Boy confort her as she keep crying. "It's truly my falt. I saw the wire break and didn't say anything"She sobbed into his soulder.
"On Tamerian, its natural for people to cry on special ocausions. Is it not like that here?" Starfire said and he nodded
"I know what it's like to lose both of your parents" Beasy Boy said. Morgan broke the hug and looked at him.
"You do?"She said and Beast Boy nodded. Robin stop crying and Starfire to put his hand on his check.
"You know Star, it's not that easy to just put on a mask and just forget you problems. I'm luck to have someone like you to remind me that I'm not just a hero, that I'm human."Robin said Starfire hugged him.
Morgan hug Beast Boy for just everything he did. All he was trying to do was cheer her up. Even though she never admit it, Beast Boy os one of her clost friends.
"Thanks for being a good friend"She said. The Grayson twins feel a little bit better know. Knowing that there are people that still care for them. No matter what happends...............It looks like we have a couple of people watching Morgan, and Robin?
"I know what it's like to losse your parents like that"??? say watching him with benoculars.
"She's change alot. I would of came, but I didn't want your past to appear today"??? said letting out a small laugh. "I was the only one that know her better than anyone, but you finally open up your hear, Morgan."??? says watching her from a building she lets out a smile and Beast Boy does the same......
Take a guess at who was watching Morgan and Robin? Maybe you will get it write?
Robin's Little Sister
FanfictionMorgan Grayson is the youngest of the Grayson siblings with her brother Dick Grayson being the oldest when meets someone and she is given a home there is a catch. She has to be their apprentice. ' To eliminate and destroy' was the task given, but no...