It's the middle of the day and the alarm went off....I guess that was my cue. I ran to the exit and escape. before anyone would notice me
Robin pov
I haven't seen Morgan in three hours and now the crime alert is going off and no one has seen her. Starfire flew into the living room as I looked at her
"Wheres Morgan?"I asked.
"She is nowhere to be found..."Starfire said
"We need to look for her. Cyborg, Raven, and Starfire you will go after the villain... Beast Boy, you're with me. Titans move out!" I said we all moved out
>> >> > minutes later Raven Pov
We all were riding in the T-car, with Cyborg driving.
"We should be..."Cyborg couldn't get his words out the T-car exploded butIused my magic to block the explosion.
It was Morgan, I knew it...she's a double agent working for Slade all along.
"Morgan?"Starfire said.
Morgan Pov
"Remeber the Plan C, Morgan "Slade said into my earpiece. I didn't want to fight them but I had too. Slade forced me.
Robin Pov
"Robin! We found Morgan! She..."Cyborg said to my communicator, but he got cut off. I got his courdinates to where he's at.
"Beast Boy lets go."I said jumping on my R-Cycle and headed back to Jump City.
>> >> >> Morgan Pov
I head back to Slade layer the goal was to get one down.
"Excelent Morgan, that took a short amount of time?"Slade said
"Yes master, it was easy. Cyborg is down four more left."I said
"You don't have to worry about the others, Cinderblock, Plasmas, and Overload will destroy the others."
"Which leaves me with Robin?"I said.
>> >> > Raven pov
Cyborg was gone... Morgan toom him down. The ground cracked and he fell. We all were looking for him when Robin got a signal on his communicator.
"What is it?"Starfire asked
"Cinderblock, Plasmas, and Overload are at it again."Robin said. "Raven, you take Plasmas, Beastboy, take Overload. Starfire, take Cinderblock-"Robin said
Robin Pov
I looked at my communicator again and Slade logo appeared. "I'll take Slade." I said we all moved out to our location.
........ Beast boy pov
I have made it to the location that was on my communicator. I saw overload there....
After taking overload down, I was tired. Out of no where, Morgan came out. She ran and did a twirly kick that made me fall.
Morgan Pov
The earth was split in half and he was holding on by a limb
"Maybe I should help you?"I said making my feet hit is hands and he fell...
>> >> >> >>
Raven pov
Plasmas we destroyed...but I had a felling that someone was spying on me. I looked back and saw Morgan behind me. I use my magic to go underneath the floor so she could not attack me.
"That was my fault...sorry, I guess. " Morgan said kicking me in my stomach as I fell into the water
Morgan pov
I knew it...I told Robin not to trust you" Raven said as I glared at her
"And why would you tell him something that?"
"Demon..." I replied back to her
I was frustrated now with every kick, and punch was blocked by Raven magic. I use my legs to sweep her legs making her fall. She dragged me down too and we were trying to get up. No matter how we tried the emeny help us down
Raven magic was strong, but after everything i learned about her i know her weak spot. Anger.
"You betraded us Morgan"Raven said
"Yeah yeah yeah....what ever"I said Raven was getting mad in the inside.
"Whats the matter Raven, most of your friends are gone?"I said Raven used her magic to make pbjects hit me. Her anger was rising.
"We trusted you! We gave you a home! We made you a part of us!"Raven said while her magic got out of control and objects were directed at me one after another.
"Excelent apprentice, you found her waekness. Anger..."Slade said in my ear piece.
I kept dodgeing her magic and the water was rising slowly. She came closer to me trying to use her magic in close range. I kicked her hard making Raven fall in the water drowning.
>> >>
I saw that Star had just defate Cinderblock. That girl is strong, but i'm stronger.
Thanksto Slade, smoke was rising everywhere the girl couldn't see a thing. "Who is there?"Star said she must of heard my footsteps. "Morgan?"Starfire said I gave her the sofest lick I didnt gave everyone else, but the lick was still was hard. She let out a groan and fell to the ground. Sbe got up flying in the air. Her starbolts were hard to take.
I fell to the ground letting out a groan. I faked my injurey and stayed down with my eyes closed. I hear star let out a gasp "Have I hurt you,Morgan?" I let out a little laugh. I could tell that Star was in front of me.
"You always was the one that can be fool"I said kicking her making her fall. She let out a groan as she fell.
We both got up attacking each other. Her eye beams are powerful. Trying not to get hit was impossible to do. I had an idea. I lead her to a trap of mines. We both were fighting for a long time. She used her star bolts against me and I dodged it without hesitation. I used one of the oldest tricks that I do. The old sneak attack. Fog arose again...this must be one of Slade's tricks, but I like it.
I took the smoke to my advantage again. Kicking Star made her fall to the ground. She was down...never did get up....and now I need to find my brother
Robin's Little Sister©
Robin's Little Sister
FanfictionMorgan Grayson is the youngest of the Grayson siblings with her brother Dick Grayson being the oldest when meets someone and she is given a home there is a catch. She has to be their apprentice. ' To eliminate and destroy' was the task given, but no...