Meeting someone

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     While in the cold and dark cave, I started to explore around for a bit. I heard footsteps in the cave they sound like they were coming closer... and closer...

"Who's there?"I asked hearing my echo as it bounced from wall to wall.

"You don't need to be afraid Morgan" I hear a voice say appearing from the shadow. It was a man with black on, he had his mask half black and a tannish brown.

     I started to get curious about him "How do you know my name?"I asked

     I could hear a chuckle under his mask,"Dear child, I know a lot about you. More than you know about your own self."

     He walked around me in a circle looking at up and down. I looked at him not taking my eyes off of his right eye. It was creeping me out but a few minutes later, I got used to it.

I wonder why he is looking at me? How did he know about me? Does he know Dick? Dick told him I was his sister?, I thought while he was still circling around me. When he stopped, I kept looking at him. He let out another chuckle and he spoke

"I had no idea that Robin had a sister? And yet he doesn't remember you."

     Now this time I was really curious. Thoughts started to go through my brain all at once'How did he know? Does he have some type of file on me? My person records maybe?'

"Who are you?"I asked.

"You haven't heard of me? I'm sure that you would have known about me... I'm Slade"

I haven't heard of any him before.

"I know your brother, Morgan." He said my heart was pounding with excitement.

"You do! Can I see him?" "Unfortunately Morgan, he doesn't want to see you. Matter of fact, he doesn't want anything to do with you."Slade said and I started to fell anger, and rage inside of me.

"What do you mean?"I asked being curious 

" He said he doesn't care about you, and also that everything he told you were lies..." Slade said. My body was full of anger. "I want revenge for everything he has ever done to me!" I said. Slade put his hand out to me.

"If you join me, if you do everything I say, I will help you get your revenge. I will make you... my apprentice"

     I had to think 'Should I? I do not know, but he can make me stronger, he can help me, and maybe he could give me a home'

"Alright, I will join you, "I said he took me out the cave and to his place.

     One thing for sure, his place is... different? His place had huge monitors and a chair in front of the monitors, and not to mention lots of gears and mechanical things. It looked dull. No color, it was dark.

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     Slade told me to put this uniform on that had a symbol in the front like an S. Seconds later, I came to where Slade was, I could hear his voice behind me.

" Excellent, now the only thing you need is training." Slade said

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