The Shocking Truth

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That fight with Red X was easy than the others. I didn't get kidnapped like last time and it seems like he didn't want to fight me.

Dick decided that it would be a great idea to do some type of training since he can tell I lack in combat a little.

"So what am I suppose to do? "

"Easy... You are going to train your body to fight multiple people at once and using my bird-a-rang.  You are going to stop the clock.  Once that goes off you will do the same thing until you defeat all of us."

"Sound fair... "I said as I looked to see my first opponent.  It was Beastboy.  He turned into a bull charging at me at full speed.  I did exactly what Robin said... 'Be on your toes Morgan you don't know what will happen' that's what he had told me.  I used beast boy horns and jumped over him.  Before I was able to throw Robin's birdarang, Beast Boy had me in his grip transforming into a gorilla.

"Sorry beasty,  but I got to do this!" I said using his strength and mine to get me up off the ground.  I did a back flip that let me go of his grip and I threw the birdarang and the clock stopped.

But before I could get down to the ground cyborg came to attack me...For some reason, this reminds me of being with Slade.  I tried my best to punch cyborg but he blocked it.  He leaned in for a punch and that was a great opportunity for me

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