Chapter Fourteen - What If's

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, things have been crazy with college starting and all of this stupid homework...There was a point where I didn't know if I wanted to continue because I didn't think anyone was reading but I've seen people's comments and messages asking me to continue so I will. I've been up in the air with how I want this story to end and originally I wanted a longer story but I may cut it short depending on how I feel. Thanks again for everyone who is reading and for the amazing messages you've all been sending me so here is Chapter 14!

(Previously on Holding Out For A Hero.....

"Ava, oh my god, Ava! You're alive! God, you don't know how much I've missed you." He breaths into my hair, relief spreading from his body to mine.

I shutter when I feel his warm breath hit my ear yet I'm extremely comfortable. I mold my entire body to his as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"How lovely!" Zayn's voice interrupts. "I see I've interrupted a reunion" he says.

I jump from the sound of his voice and Harry pulls away from me. I shiver at the loss of contact but we can make up for it later, right now we need to get rid of Zayn. Harry shoves me behind him and removes his gun from his holster.

"I'm not going through this again, Zayn. I won't let you take her!" Harry shouts, aiming his gun directly at Zayn's forehead.

Zayn isn't affected by the gun and he laughs. A full force belly laugh is emerged from his throat as he raises his gun.

"Oh silly Harry. You know I won't go down without a fight." Zayn warns.

Before Harry could comment, a deafening boom was heard.

Before I knew it, shots were being fired left and right.

Harry's P.O.V.

The shots are sloppy and uncontrolled. I've had to reload my gun several times already but nothing seems to hit Zayn. Niall has somehow made his way out of the car and is also trying to shoot Zayn but he some how dodges every single one. Four other guys hop out of Zayn's truck and start firing away as well.

I could hear Ava's heavy breathing behind me as she tries to hold in her tears.

"Ava, don't cry, please baby, don't cry. I will make sure Zayn is taken down here and now okay?" I try to reassure her.

She doesn't say anything except for quietly whimpering. I turn around to look at her and find her laying on the ground and clutching the right side of her waist with a blood stained shirt. I momentarily forget about the guns going off as panic starts to rise.

"Ava!!" I shout. "Ava, it's okay don't worry I'm going to get you out of here I promise."

I look to my right shoulder and try calling dispatch for backup on my radio but it isn't on my shoulder. I was so worried about who was following me that I didn't even bother to grab my radio out of my car.

I bend down to Ava's level and pick her up bridal style and place her in front of the police car and hiding her so she can avoid getting anymore hurt than she already is.

"Ava, calm down and take deep breaths okay?" I whisper, trying to stay as calm as possible.

I put pressure on her waist and she groans loudly as blood pours out. Her skin is pale and her eyes are beginning to flutter. I can see she's trying extremely hard to fight to keep her eyes open but her body is slowly starting to win.

"Don't try and talk baby. I know what you want to say but there's no need to say it, I love you too and we WILL spend the rest of our lives together. Don't give me any of that bullshit "what if's", understood?" I pant out as fast as I possibly can.

She smiles as wide as she can and a single tear rolls down her cheek before she begins to cough up blood.

She tries to fight her body as long as she can but eventually her eyes flutter closed and I can't help but let a few tears shed as well.

Zayn's P.O.V.

"Boys, cease fire!!!" I yell at the imbeciles I decided to bring with me.

I don't see anything except for dust in the air and trash everywhere. I look to my right and see Niall in the fetus position with an empty gun in his hands.

"Niall, were you fucking shooting at me and my men?! You are, or should I say were, a part of my men!!" I yell furiously at him.

In today's world, you can't trust any of these fuckers anymore. I march towards him and pull him up by his shirt, lifting him off the ground with my hands on his throat.

"Disobeying me will only get you into more trouble. You should've learned that by now, Niall." I spit.

"B-but...I-I don't want to be a part of your men anymore.." He gasps.

I laugh in his face and pull him back before slamming his spine into the brick wall behind him.

"Too bad you already are you shit head!! Boys!! Take him away and bring him to the cabin." I order. "I will deal with him later. Right now I have to figure out where my precious Ava went and that loser friend of hers."

Once the escalade pulls out of sight, I start my search. As I walk farther into the alleyway I see drops of blood that get bigger and bigger until I get to the front of the squad car where a pool of blood lays on the concrete but there is nobody in sight.

"DAMMIT!!!" I scream as I tug on my hair.

I can't afford to lose Ava. She knows more information than any other girl at the house does. If she tells the cops, I will be finished, and I can't let that happen.

I whip my phone out and call Liam to order him to keep an eye out on the nearest hospitals with reports of patients with a gun shot injury.

I don't know who got shot, but with one down, the other is sure to follow.

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