Chapter Eleven - Something Fishy

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Harry P.O.V.

Detecive Atkin promised me that I could help with Ava's case, and that was a month ago. I'm an officer now yet he still treats me like I'm an intern or something. All I've done in my month of being an officer is go on coffee runs, enter paper work, and listen to Atkin bitch about how I'm not working fast enough.

"Harry hurry your ass up!" Atkin screams at me.

I've been making copies all fucking day for Atkin's court date coming up and now he's telling me to go get him coffee with Niall.

"This is fucking bullshit" I mutter under my breath.

"Tell me about it. When are we going to be able to shoot someone?!" Niall complains.

I chuckle lightly. "Hopefully soon Ni, hopefully soon." I pat him on the back.

Finally the copies are done and Niall and I walk back to Detective Atkin's office.

"Here are your copies, sir. Sorry it took so long, the copy machine ran out of paper so we had to restock it." Niall says as he hands Atkins the papers.

"I don't give a shit what happened, you both should have been done ten minutes ago. It doesn't even matter anymore, I need my coffee and I need you to pick up some information for the Ava Robert's case at the River Forest Police Station." Atkin's says with attitude.

I look at Niall quickly and then look back at Atkin. "Wait, sir, we're going to work on the Ava Robert's case?" I question.

"All you've done since you got here is bitch and moan that you want to work on that case so as long as you shut the hell up and stay out of my way, then fine." He says, brushing off my question like it was no big deal.

Niall and I both smirk at each other. "Thank you so much, sir." I praise as Niall and I walk out of the office.

I grab the keys off the rack and head towards the doors. Niall is quick to follow my lead, prancing around the parking lot like a little school girl.

Even though Niall and I have had our own cop car for a month now, we haven't driven it once. Atkin never lets us take it out, and if we have to drive somewhere, Atkin drives while Niall and I sit in the back like delinquents.

"Haz, I can't wait to sit in the front seat of our cop car! We haven't even driven it before so don't go crashing into shit." He says in mock anger, trying hard not to laugh.

"If anyone were to crash the car Niall, it would be you." I laugh as I unlock the doors and get into the drivers side.

The car roars to life and we begin our journey to River Forest. Niall keeps touching all the buttons the car has to offer like the radio and 'accidentally' turning the sirens on a few times.

Forty five minutes later we pull up to the station to grab the paperwork we need to get started on Ava's case.

As I open the front doors Niall's phone rings.

"Uh, Haz, I-uh...I gotta take this. I'll be there in a minute." Niall stutters out, walking further away from the building.

"Wait, Niall can't you just talk to them inside? We have to hurry up and get back to Atkin before he goes ape shit on us." I question, watching as Niall ignores me and keeps on walking.

I could tell that Niall was nervous to talk to whoever was on the other line, he began to sweat and was shaking with nervousness.

I just shook it off but as Niall walked further and further I realized that he probably won't be coming back anytime soon, so I followed him.

I stayed far enough behind him that he didn't notice and I tried to listen to what he was talking about, or who he was talking to.

"No! You know I can't do that right now! I promised you I wouldn't tell anyone where you are and I intend on keeping that promise" I heard Niall whisper yell.

"I can't kill him right now and you know it! No, I never signed up for this shit. I don't want to do this anymore, please don't make me kill him. He's actually a really nice person." Niall shouts again. He sounds so worried and scared. I wonder who he's talking to...

I was trying to listen to Niall's conversation so badly that I didn't notice where I was going and stumbled into a bumper of a car, forcing the security alarm to go off.

I jumped, not knowing where to hide so Niall wouldn't see me. Unfortunately, he turned around before I figured out a plan.

At first Niall looked scared but his facial expression turned from frightened to anger in a matter of seconds.

"I think I have to call you back, I seemed to have run into a minor problem. Don't worry, I'll take care of it" Niall speaks to the person on the other line before aggressively ending the call, shoving his phone into his front pocket.

"Harry, you clearly don't know what privacy means. I said I would be back in a minute, what did you not understand by that?" Niall starts walking towards me, flashes of evil lurking in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Ni, I-you just seemed so worried on the phone. I just wanted to make sure everything was ok." I stuttered out.

"Oh don't worry, everything will be just fine." Niall says, closing in the gap between us so that there's only about a foot in between us. the flames in his eyes seemed to have grown, his eyes darker than the normal blue. He flashes me a smirk and his hand slowly starts reaching for his right hip, where he keeps his gun.


Hey guys!! First off, I'm so sorry I took so long to update, I had a bit of writers block. I hope you enjoyed it(:

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