Chapter Ten - Starting Over

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(A/N: The beginning is a little dirty...sorry, that's just who Zayn is. Enjoy!)

Zayn's P.O.V.

Lacy was fucking useless just like every other goddamn girl in this stupid place. I need some relief but the best person I can go to is pissing me off.

I run my hands through my hair, stressed as hell. Since nobody is here to help me I guess I'll have to do it myself. As satisfying as it is, it would feel so much better if Ava was here. Her lips around me, making my toes curl and breaths shorten. She's the only girl that can do the job right. Too bad Louis beat her into oblivion and now she's on bed rest for a month.

"Fuck.." I mutter under my breath.

I grab my laptop and get myself situated, undoing my belt and relaxing on my bed.

I'm so desperate right now, I just need to see hot women, preferably in lingerie, or naked. What can a guy do when he's always horny and not enough fucking girls to please himself with? Exactly.

I've almost found the perfect website when an add for missing children pops up, and amoung those children is Ava.

"Every fucking time..." I growl.

I push my laptop off my lap and reach for my phone. I scroll through my phone until I find the number I'm looking for, getting ready to press call before I remember he's a cop now.

I call from one of my disposable phones, making sure it shows up as a blocked number. As it rings I find Lacy roaming around the hallway. I pull her into my room and force her to say what I tell her to. I put the phone on speaker so I can her his response.

After the thrid ring, he answers the call.

"Hello?" He answers.

I nudge Lacy to repeat what I've written down for her.

"H-Harry?" She questions, her voice becoming a higher pitched whisper.

"Yes? Who am I speaking to?" Harry questions.

"Sound scared. Make it believable, scream if you have to, I don't care." I roughly whisper to Lacy.

"Harry, help me, please! Don't let them take me! HARRY!" Lacy starts screaming. I don't know why, but I get a sense of joy listening to her scream. I remember everything Ava said ever since that day I kidnapped her and now Lacy's repeating the same thing back to Harry.

AVA! Slow down! What's going on?! Where are you?! Please, tell me something, anything!" Harry stutters. I have to stop this kid before he starts crying like the little bitch he is.

I snatch the phone out of Lacy's hand. "Ofiicer Styles. Long time no talk don't you thing?"

"What the fuck?! Who are you? What do you want with Ava?" He gasps. I couldn't help it, I started laughing.

I continue to laugh as I respond to him. "You were stupid enough to think that was actually Ava, didn't you? For an officer, you're pretty fucking stupid".

He's speechless on the other end, and I know I've gotten to him.

"Don't worry Styles, pretty soon she'll be dead, and so will you." I smirk, laughing evilly.

The connection is abruptly cut off as I hear a crashing sound. Mission accomplished.

"You can leave now" I tell Lacy.

"But Sir..--"

"I said LEAVE!" I shout.

I hate it when these dumb bitches are so desperate for attention they'll do anything. I open my bedroom door and practically push Lacy out, slamming the door afterwards.

God, I miss Ava. . .

That's so fucking weird considering the circumstances and our past.

Dammit, I should be the one with an amazing future with her, not Harry.

Fuck him, the sooner I get rid of him, the sooner I can have Ava all to myself. We can start over and start a life together. A real one.

After all, that's exactly what she deserves.

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