Chapter Three - The Institution

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Ava's P.O.V.

Its been ten years. 

Ten years locked up in this hell hole. I'm surprised I'm not dead yet. 

I've been living with the two men that abducted me; the men I now know them as Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson. 

I haven't seen the outside world in ten damn years. Ever since I got here, I've been thrown in this cold, shitty basement with nothing but the clothes on my back. Once I started growing out of my clothes, Zayn bought me new ones, but they were all slutty looking so I tried my best not to wear those unless absolutely necessary. 

To this day, I still don't know why I was taken. I thought maybe I was being held hostage because they wanted money or maybe my father did something to piss them off. They never mentioned anything, but then again I don't really talk to them. Mostly because I'm scared shitless of them. 

For a while I wasn't allowed to talk, everytime I made a noise of any kind I would get beaten. The beatings I got were horrible but after being beaten almost everyday, I learned to get used to it. 

I used to pray and cry after every beating. There's only so many prayers I could say before it got old, and I guess I just stopped believing someone would find me. I've lost all hope in being saved and honestly, I'd rather die then live one more day in this dreadful nightmare. 


"Get up!" I heard someone shout. 

I rolled over on the cold, concrete ground and groaned. 

"I said get the fuck up!" and suddenly I was pulled up by my hair. 

"OW! What the fuck do you want from me now?!"  I shouted. I actually enjoyed pissing Louis off because he never really did anything to me. Zayn was the real hard ass. 

"Zayn wants to see you, possibly for another session so get the hell up so he doesn't get all pissy." 

Sessions...that's basically a nicer way of saying Zayn wanted sex. I always imagined sex to be with someone you loved and someone who loved you, but Zayn just uses it for pure pleasure. 

Don't get me wrong, Zayn is pretty hot, and if he wasn't my kidnapper I would probably try to get him to notice me, but in this case, I want to gag everytime I even look at him. 

When Zayn wants a session I have to dress up in these whore outfits so he can get all turned on and shit. Its disgusting in my opinion, but if I were to open my mouth, I'd probably be beaten to the point of not being able to talk. 

Louis hands me a black strapless cocktail dress that looks like it could fit a baby. How the hell do these men expect me to squeeze myself into these damn clothes! I can barely breath in this bullshit. 

I snatch it from his hands and turn around so he can't see me, not that it matters because he's seen me before. Louis is one of the more respectful guys in this whore house but he's still like the others. I've only ever seen three men; Louis, Zayn, and the leader of it all, Liam Payne.  

I only talked to Liam once and it was when I first arrived. Ever since then its only ever been Zayn and Louis. 

Throughout the years, the boys have accumulated many other girls so it's not just me living in this house. There's rules to this insititution that all the girls and men have to follow.

The men can only sleep with girls that they've personally grabbed.

None of the men are allowed to tell them what he can and can't do with their girls. 

Nobody is allowed to kill anyone, only harm them. (which I think is one of the stupidest rules because after so many beatings it doesn't even effect you anymore). 

and the number one rule, DO NOT, under any circumstance, let the girls go back to their old lives. 

I knew I was fucked as soon as I heard that rule. 

I'm never getting out of this....

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