Chapter Five - I'm In For It

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My eyes slowly fluttered open, finding myself out of the threatening chair and in a king sized bed. I must be in Zayn's room.

It's pitch black with only a small night light peeping from under the door.

I feel like complete and utter shit. I try sitting up only then realizing I've been handcuffed to the bed posts.

What the fuck? ugh.

"L-Louis" I croak. God, I sound terrible.

The door creaks open behind me. I abruptly turn my head, regretting it right away. 

Louis emerges from the hallway into Zayn's room.

"Lou. W-what the hell is going on?" I shakily ask.

"Shut up, Ava." He looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

"What's going--"

"Ava god dammit, shut the fuck up!" Louis's voice boomed off the walls making me quiet almost automatically.

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I'm so confused on what's going on.

"Ava don't talk. I have to make this quick because I'm already in enough shit. First of all, you're in here because of Zayn. He basically beat the shit out of you last night."

Louis slowly reaches for my bruised shoulder and limp wrist. I gasp and a small whimper escapes my lips. Damn, Zayn really did a number on me this time.

"You're okay, just badly bruised. I promise you'll be fine. I just wanted to check up on you before Zayn did. After he knocked you out, he freaked out on me but Liam came before anything got too serious." Louis sighed, probably grateful that he doesn't look like me right now.

"Ave, listen. I know I've been going easy on you, and maybe it's because I've practically raised you myself, but I don't know if I can do that anymore. Zayn doesn't like how nice I've been. H-he threatened me, Ave. He--"

"Louis, Louis, Louis. What a rat you're turning out to be, hm?" Zayn strolls the rest of the way in with an evil smirk toying on his lips and a wicked glint shinning in his eyes. He's wearing a pair of black skinnies and a black tank top showing off his tattoos. His hair is styled in a quiff, as usual, and his face is full of minimal scruff.

Louis stands up straighter and makes eye contact with Zayn. "Sir."

"Cut the shit, Louis. What the fuck are you doing in here?"

"I-I...I just wanted to see if you needed any help, Sir."

Zayn rolls his eyes, clearly not believing Louis's lie.

"You know damn well that's not why you're in here but I'm going to pretend you didn't just lie to me."

Louis lets out a shaky breath and gives me a sideways glance. I've been speechless ever since Zayn walked in. I'm so afraid for my life right now, I think it would be better if I just kept quiet.

Zayn waltzes over to where I lay, slowly lacing his fingers through my hair. He stares at me with lust filled eyes. I squirm under his touch while his desire filled eyes make me uncomfortable. 

"M-master, p-please." I don't need Zayn groping be right now, I'm sore and tired and I'm not in the mood for his stupid sexual bullshit. 

"What do you want, Ava? I know we never had a chance to have sex last night but now really isn't the time." He smirks at me with humor gleaming in his eyes. I wanna slap that stupid little smirk right off his face!

Before I could stop myself, I glared at Zayn and spit right in his face. 


Oh shit. Why did I just do that?

"Zay--Sir. Take it easy on her, you already beat her pretty bad last night, just let her be." Louis practically begged Zayn. 

Zayn's bony hand smacks my cheek as hard as he could. I wince, trying hard not to scream. A lone tear slides down my now reddening face. I can't show them how weak I am. 

Louis looks at me, hoping I won't lash out at Zayn again. I shrug and quickly turn away, I know I should stop acting out but I can't let Zayn win. I guess I just haven't learned my lesson yet. 

"Fuck you, Zayn." I fire back at him. I'm really in for a beating now...

Zayn raises his hand to smack me again but Louis is quick to stop him. He latches onto Zayn's wrist, pleading for him not too. 

"Louis let go of my fucking wrist." Zayn's eerily, calm voice demands. His eyes turn black with anger. Louis immediately pulls his hand away, suddenly finding the concrete floor more interesting than the current situation. 

 "You know what, I was just going to beat the living shit out of Ava and make you watch, but I have a much better idea. You're going to be the one to beat her, and if you stop before I tell you, or refuse altogether, I'll just kill you." Zayn pulls a gun from his back pocket, cocking the trigger so it could be shot at any moment. 

I freeze and slowly look between the two men. Jesus Christ, Louis has only beaten me once or twice and that was when I first arrived. But if he doesn't do what he's told, he's going to get killed. 

I nod in Louis's direction, accepting what he's about to do. "It's okay." I mouthed to him. 

"Go on now! I don't have all day, decide what you're going to do otherwise I'll shoot you anyway." 

I closed my eyes, ready to recieve my punishment. Louis punched my jaw, making me suck in a sharp breath. Again, another punch, but this time to my gut. Another to my shoulder, and my thighs and, then my cheeks. This went on for a while but I didn't dare open my eyes. I couldn't look at Louis or Zayn because I would either try to fight back or cry right on the spot. 

"Okay, that's enough." Zayn finally put an end to this horrible agony. 

I started to relax but only slightly. I could feel myself already bruising, everytime I took a breath, I felt a harsh jab to my side. I guarantee I have a couple broken or sprained bones and I know I'll be sore for at least a month. 

"Louis, get out of my face, I'm getting tired of looking at you." Zayn exclaimed. 

Louis quietly obeyed, sending me a silent apology. Of course I'm going to forgive Louis, it wasn't his fault he beat me to a pulp. Well...It doesn't matter right now. I can't dwell on it, I'm in too much pain. 

Zayn sauntered over to my side, finally releasing me from the handcuffs that locked me in place. A low groan escaped my parted lips as I felt my wrists and ankles being freed. 

"Not so tough now, huh princess?" he asked as he swiped a hand over my forehead, removing what I assumed was sweat, blood, and hair that must've fallen during the beating. 

"You'll listen to me next time won't you?" I nod frantically just so I can withdraw from Zayn's smoke filled breath. 

"I think you've learned you're lesson, hm? Don't worry darlin', next time the beatings will be much, MUCH, worse." I see Zayn's eyes grow dark again before I feel myself plumpiting down. 

The next think I know, I'm being carried out of the room and dumped in the hallway to fend for myself.

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