Where do babies come from? (Short Episode)

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once at the castle, Dr. fetus takes C.H.A.D. of his top hat as you sit on the couch in front of a table ready to eat a delicious and exquisite remaining spaghetti, the dreaded fetus sits next to you and serves you an exaggerated amount of spaghetti while the fetus was served a portion average of the food. You stared at the minimal amount of spaghetti the doctor helped himself to for a while, but you didn't care.

You grab the fork, and you eat the food quickly, while Dr. fetus ate very slowly, he ate one noodle, then the other and another noodle one by one. Later the fetus was finishing eating, the minutes that flew by made you want to talk to him but you don't want to interrupt his lunch after being quiet all the time, something came to your mind and you got curious ask him a stupid question.

You: ehhhmm....D-Dr.fetus?

Dr. fetus: huh?

You: I have a question hehehehe ..... do you know where babies come from?

The fetus looked down, closed its eyes, sighed slowly.


Dr. Fetus's voice was so strong that you were too scared that your own heart would beat too much and responded nervously.

You: N-no??

Dr. fetus: Well... when we finish eating I'll explain it to you in my room, okay?

You: yes...

you calm down for a short time trying to calm down after I raised my voice to you by surprise, but... explain it in the bedroom? that sounds like something...

after eating, dr. fetus is ready to talk to you about where those ''babies'' come from, they go into the bedroom and you lie on the bed while the doctor looks for a book that talks about the topic you asked for, after finding it Dr.fetus He lies down next to you and opens the book.

Dr.fetus: it all starts when a man falls in love with a woman and over time they get married and how do they have a child? easy ...... (turn the next page) inside the woman is the uterus where at the end of the fallopian tube is the ovary And inside the ovaries are the ovules that are the female cells

the sperm that are the male cells go through a long journey from the uterus to where the ovules are, life begins when the sperm reaches the ovule first and the other sperm die over time.

You: And how do they make the sperm unite with the ovary?

Dr.fetus started to yawn causing his gigantic and creepy bat wings to be revealed again

You: 0_0

Dr.fetus: Well it's a bit awkward to tell you... well a man joins s-his p-

You: sex?

Dr.fetus: emmhh.. yes? [scratches head nervously]

You: I'm afraid you'll show me your wings.....

Dr. fetus: oh really? I didn't know.....[hides wings from him] do you want to go somewhere else to entertain yourself?


Dr.fetus: that girl...


well the chapter was short because I'm running out of ideas, I'll make a chapter of this story about the growth of a little woman

Dr. fetus x child reader  human ENGLISH (super meat boy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now