Meet the Manipulator

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A normal day, that's right...... normal because the moment that a wild fetus has kidnapped you no longer counts for now, there goes the doctor with his piping hot coffee half full walking majestically towards his desk tired,

Dr. fetus: good morning... I hope you dreamed well because I have to go on a mission in the city of newgrounds, but if you are interested in going it will be another day, you can watch television or entertain yourself with C.H.A.D etc but never go outside! ! understood?

You: [YAWNING] yes doctor.....go well

once he left, you and chad looked at each other, chad's face is like "no please", you grab the living red ball, you lock yourself in your bedroom with him, the door is locked >:)

Meanwhile, outside there was a strange brain with snail eyes, it was flying in the skies looking at the beauty of the patio where it now lives, then it felt a small strong wind blowing, the brain looked in the direction where that strong air came from, that's when it saw the city. in ruins full of traps where the sky is reddish, I think it is now called a laboratory where its creator currently lives, the brain remembers having heard about that human girl who was kidnapped by doctor fetus himself.

Out of curiosity to know what the girl's appearance is like, the living brain went to the castle to visit her, he was looking everywhere, it took him minutes to find her, until he heard strange sounds from the walls near a clean window... . My God. he could not see the girl ppr completely, the brain was disgusted, to attract attention he used her long eye to touch the window as his was a door.

You hear something, you adjust your panties and your pants, you leave Chad unconscious in another place, you open the window and see a very ugly thing levitating, making you scream in fear, it almost takes your soul out, then you take out the cross and a special book to scare away the evil spirits while you were wailing like crazy, the brain with its powers closed your mouth and proceeded to enter your room inspecting around, he looks at you again with his bulging eyes smiling, apparently he is very nice and innocent, you breathe deeply and he lets you to talk.

You: hehehhe emm what are you really? What is your name?

That thing doesn't know how to talk yet so it made a white board and a red marker appear out of nowhere and write his name on it, saying "My name is Manic Manipulator."

You: how did you learn to write? do you have powers like me? :0

Manic ascended, writes again saying ''where is dr. fetus? how did you get here?''

you: You know it? Well it was a long story, I'm too lazy to tell you but he left here because he has a mission in that city called newgrounds, but I love staying in the castle

Manic feels confused as to why he wants to stay with his kidnapper so he asked another question "dr. fetus hurt you?''

You: Not at all! He is always present with all my problems of my puberty for example he helped me stop my bleeding blah blah blah.... and that's all.

the sky is starting to get dark, it's not getting dark, it's about to rain, Manic knows that he has to leave before the doc discovers them, you and Manic said goodbye and you gave him a kiss in the air hoping that one day he would return.. .

You look at your digital clock, 7 minutes Keith Fetus will arrive home......


In a few days I will update a new chapter "the restaurant"

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