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It was the first time I had ever spent the night at my boyfriends house with him, because his sisters my best friend, and I sometimes babysit his little brother.

As i grabbed my bag and started walking to the Waltons house because it was only a few blocks away, I got a message from Jaden.

Jaden=My Boy💋🫶🏼
Y/n=Beautiful Girl😘💓

My Boy🫶🏼💋
Hey Baby

Beautiful Girl😘💓
Hey ml <3

My Boy🫶🏼💋
How much longer I miss youuu

Beautiful Girl😘💓
Aww baby I'm only a few minutes away
don't worry 🫶🏼

My Boy🫶🏼💋
Mmmm ok ig I can wait that long, cya soon
I love you

Beautiful Girl😘💓
Cya <3 I love you too Jaden :)

And with that, I put my phone in my pocket and continued walking.

As I approached the house I took my phone out to see that it had only taken me 15 minutes to walk there.  I was confused, as it had felt like it took forever.  As I put my phone back in my pocket I walked up the stairs to their porch, and knocked on the door.  When the door opened I saw Jayla standing there.

"Hey y/n!!" She said pulling me into a quick hug. "Heyy!" I replied "Jadens up in his room btw!" Jayla added "Okay thanks!" I said walking past, seeing Javon in the living room "Hey wanna!" I said as I walked past. "Hey y/n!" He said back looking back down at his phone.

As I got upstairs I knocked on Jadens bedroom door. "Come in!" He shouted as I opened the door.  He slowly looked up from his phone not expecting me to be there. He immediately shot up from his bed and ran over to me lifting me into a hug.  As he spun us around I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck, burying my face into his shoulder.

As he eventually stopped spinning he took us over to his bed and sat down (stfu this isn't gonna be sexual🤨📸) placing me on his lap as we just stared into each others eyes for a minute, both knowing we wanted the same thing.

After a good minute, Jaden and I both leaned forward, connecting our lips. We made out for a couple minutes, until we were rudely interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Jaden and I slowly disconnected our lips and looked over at the door.  "Come in!" Jaden said to the door. "Uhh sorry if I'm ruining anything, but we're gonna go get ice cream if y'all want to come along.." Wanna said awkwardly knowing he interrupted something.  Jaden just shook his head while Wanna took his first opportunity to leave the room.

As it got later, about 8:30 Jaden and I began watching Stranger Things season 4.  Neither of us knew what to expect as we both could never find a better time to watch it.  As we got settled into his bed, we began cuddling.  I had my head on his chest and he had his arms around me. 

Whenever we got to the last episode of season 4 at Eddie's death scene, Jadens jaw was dropped and I was sobbing. Jaden was too busy being in shock at what just happened to even realize I was crying. Once he finally realized he immediately went to comfort me "Oh my gosh babyyyy" he said, dragging the 'y' at the end of the word 'baby'. I looked up at him and he pressed his hand to the side of my face pushing it against his chest, as he kissed the top of my head.  Whenever I had stopped crying it was around 2:30 AM so we decided to go to sleep.

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 || Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now