Cute Airport Boy

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I was at the airport waiting for my flight from LA back to ATL to be called as I saw a boy sitting across from me. As I looked a little longer I noticed he was lowkey kind of cute. And of course, I had to take a picture of him. So I positioned my phone up just enough for the camera to see him. As I point the camera at him I see he's already taking a picture of me.

He walks over and sits next to me, giving me instant butterflies. "Hey.. Um you're pretty cute and I was wondering if I could get your number?" He asked me loud enough for only us to hear. I nodded and wrote my number down on a piece of paper I had near by.

He thanked me and put it in his phone. I waited a few minutes and finally got a text

Heyy, what's your name so I can put it in my phone?
My names jaden btw

Oh my names y/n!

Ight cool:)

After a while of texting our flight got called and we soon found out we were sitting next to each other. As we boarded the plane we sat down and started chatting again. "Soo how old are you?" I asked Jaden. "I'm 16, how about you?" "I'm 15" I responded "Ight cool" he said as we sat in silence for a few seconds. "Do you by any chance have a boyfriend?" He asked very quietly only for me to hear him. "No I actually don't" I said in the same tone smiling at him. He nodded and made a satisfied face.

As we were a few hours into the flight I fell asleep, not realizing my head had fallen into Jadens shoulder. He just smiled at me and rested his head on top of mine and went to sleep himself. As I woke up I finally realized that my head was on his shoulder, but not wanting to move it because he was sleeping. As I took out my book and started reading I heard the pilot saying that we were going to be landing in 20 minutes. I woke Jaden up because I had the feeling he was the type to take a while to finally be actually awake and processing what's happening in the moment.

When we landed Jaden and I quickly hugged each other goodbye and went back homes



𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 || Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now