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— Y/N'S POV —
It was around 4:30PM on a Tuesday and I was at the Walton's house hanging out with Jayla.

Jaden had been out of town for around a month and a half now for baseball and I've missed him a lot.

I was a little bit upset because I missed Jaden and Jayla, (being the best best friend in the world) of course noticed. "Hey babe is something wrong?" She asked me. "Yeah I just miss Jaden a lot" I said holding my head in my hands. Jayla hugged me. "I'm sorry y/n. He'll be back sooner than you think I promise. I just nodded and rested my head on Jayla's shoulder.

I felt really bad for y/n. You could tell how much she really missed Jaden. But what she didn't know, is that he was coming back today. My mom was at the airport picking him up and we were surprising y/n with him coming home.

I wanted to tell her so bad because she was super upset, but all I could do was sit there and comfort her. I got a text saying that they were only a minute away. "Hey y/n I'm gonna go use the bathroom really quickly I'll be back" I said getting up off the bed and going downstairs to greet my brother.

— Y/N'S POV —
I really missed Jaden. A lot. I wanted to cry so bad. When Jayla came back from the bathroom she looked at me as if she had just been called cute by her crush sort of happy. "Someone's here to see you y/n" She said moving out of the doorway. I looked up and saw Jaden come around the corner.

"Oh my god Jaden!!" I said jumping up and jumping into his arms. He picked me up and wrapped his arms around my torso, my legs around his waist, and arms around his shoulders. "Hi baby" Jaden said into my shoulder. "I missed you so much" I said almost tearing up. "Trust me I've missed you more" He said kissing my shoulder. "Awwww this is so cute I'm posting this on my story" Jayla said taking a picture of us. "Wanna go to my room?" He asked me. I just nodded and he took me there.

"Uhh y/n you can let go now" Jaden said when he sat us down on his bed, me still sitting on his lap. I shook my head "If I do you're gonna leave me again" I said. "Aww baby I promise I'm never gonna leave you for that long again" Jaden said kissing the side of my head. I finally decided to let go and let him unpack his stuff.

After he was done unpacking he sat down next to me. I noticed he was staring at my lips, so I kissed him. He obviously kissed me back as he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. His tongue roomed my mouth and I tugged up on his shirt to get him to take it off. He did so and we kept making out until he made his way to my neck. "Baby I won't be able to cover the hickeys" I said out of breathe. "Ugh fineee" Jaden said.

He laid down and opened his arms for me to get into. I laid down on top of him with my head on his chest. "Goodnight gorgeous" Jaden said kissing my head. "Goodnight Baby" I said, falling asleep.


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