I don't give two fucks.

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I woke up to y/n having her head on my bare chest. As I looked down at her face I wondered how I had gotten so lucky.  As i was thinking about that, my train of thought stopped because my phone was going off like crazy.

*5 missed calls from Pops💪🏼😈*
*23 new messages from Pops💪🏼😈*

"Holy shit it's 11:00" I say to myself trying not to wake up the girl currently sleeping like a baby on top of me. After a few minutes, I knew I had to try and wake y/n up. "Y/n.. Baby.. We have to wake up I have baseball practice with my pops today" I said softly, causing her to move a little. "Noooo.." she says, clearly tired. 

"Baby we have to" I say lightly lifting her onto my lap.  "Why don't you let me sleeeeeeeep" she said, dragging the 'e' and burying her face into my shoulder to hide her eyes from the light.  I chuckle at her action, and rub her back lightly.

"Baby I need to get up.." I say trying to convince her to get up "I don't give two fucks." She said in a tired voice. I slowly kissed her, as I received another phone call from my dad.  This time I picked up. 

"Holy shit Jaden!  Where the hell are you!?" My dad said a bit angry. "Dang I must've slept in my bad my bad, but I'm with y/n rn so could we jus do it another day?" I asked him.  "I guess we could. Tell
y/n I said hi" He sighed, and with that i hung up the phone looking over at my girlfriend who was already back fast asleep.  God I wish I could stay like this with her forever.

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 || Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now