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As you open your eyes you feel a slight push on your shoulder, you hurriedly open your eyes and see your mom saying "We are here now, come on y/n." you yawn and grab your bags as you drag your body against the tight space, your little sister whispers in your ear "remember that kid when we were little? His name was like— Bob? Or no, I think it was Bruce." you reply with "yeah? So what. I doubt he's probably still here. And how do you remember? You were like eight and I was ten." . "maaagicccc" she chuckles and before you know it you can breathe again. The nice fresh air on your face. Your surprised to see it hasn't changed a bit. They only installed a new store. Which you can see a tall man with long fluffy blonde hair, he seems to be playing a pinball machine game. Someone slams up against it. Then boom, a cat fight broke out. Your mom clutches your sister and your family walked faster. After we reached the house your mom broke out into laughter. As your mom wipes her tears and finally ends her rain of laughter she gives you your suit case, you go up and start unpacking. When you finished you fall on your bed an look over to the radio next to you. You turn it on and then turn to look outside, as the sky turns a purplish color you sigh. You get up and change then lay back down again and slowly close your eyes and fade away. You feel someone enter your room and turn off the radio, you just ignore it because it's probably your mom making sure you sleep well. They tuck you in and kiss you on the forehead, they hurriedly leave and close the door.

Bruce Yamada x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now