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Again you change, get your bag and keys. Pick up your lunchbox and hop in the car. Yadda Yadda, you get to your school after dropping off your sister. You get your books and when your talking with mars you don't look ahead of you and trip, spilling all your books mars helps you while laughing. She kind of reminds you of your mom. You get all the books but realize, history and math are missing. You look to your left and see a familiar looking guy, but at least he has your books. He offers to hold them for you since you have a lot of things to hold, you thank him and mars looks at you. She elbows you lightly and giggles, you elbow her back and look to your left. "Hey uhm— what's your name, guy?" He looks over and says "Oh Bruce, Bruce Yamada! You?" Your eyes widen and you are so shocked. As things flood your mind like "Is it really him?" And "He's still here?!" You snap out of it and mars is waving her hands in front  of your face and smiles, "Y/n? Hello?" You day "Oh sorry!" You look over at bruce and say "Y/n, Y/n L/n!"
(L/n means last name!)
His eyes also widens. "Is that you? Like do you remember me? Sorry if it's a misunderstanding/-" you cut him off, "No it's me! Do you still play baseball?" He laughs and says "Yes! I'm the best player at the moment!" Mars looks at you both confused, "You know him? How?" You look over at her and say "Oh yeah! We used to be friends before I had to move, but here I am! I moved back!" She nods and the bell rings.
(okay what do I right, don't mind the time skips I'm very uncreative☹️)
(Also if you read part one when it came out I just want to tell you that the grabber doesn't exist!)

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