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At the end of the day, Bruce's asks you. "Hey can you come to my game today? It's in a two hours!" You reply with "I have to ask my mom! Also you have a younger sister right?" He says "Oh, mhm!"  and you say "I have a younger sister too! Remember?" You ask him if maybe they can have a play date since they were best friends too, he says of course. And you also ask him if you can over to his house in a bit. He says yeah. Then you get in your car and wave him goodbye as he gets on his bike and then you pick up your younger sister. Ad she gets in the car she sees a big smile on your face and giggles "What's the big deal?" As she buckles in you say "Bruce is still here!" You look over at her through the mirror and see her jaw drop, then it morphs into a big smile. She says "Does that mean I get to see Emma!"
(Emma is Bruce's sister, we don't know her actual name but just pretend it is)
You reply with "Yes you are gonna have a play date soon!"

(Thank you for reading this but my grandma fell down the stairs and started a fire so I have to go 😊/joke)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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