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You hear ringing and you quickly sit up you look to your right and see it's just your alarm. You sigh and laugh, as you turn it off you change, put your keys in your pocket and then you make your bed. Shortly after you grab your bag and run down the stairs to the kitchen where you can see your mom cooking. She already has two lunch boxes packed, you hear thumping and look behind you. Your sister is running down the stairs then looks up, "aw man you beat me to it!" She says. You chuckle and grab the lunch box. Your sister grabs hers, your mom hugs your sister and when it comes to hug you your mom hugs you but then puts her hands on your shoulders. "Keep your sister safe would ya?" You nod and open the front door, you turn around and yell "Bye mom!" Your mom yells back "Bye y/n! Have a nice first day!". You grab your keys from your pocket and unlock the car. Your sister sits down and closes the door behind her. You start the car and turn on the radio, a little while after singing and laughing you make it to the middle school. You drop your sister off and hug her goodbye, you then drive to high school and get out the car. You slam the door and start walking, you go up to a girl and ask her "Oh hey! I'm y/n/-" she cuts you off and says "You must be the new student!! Hello hello I'm Mariam! My nickname is mars! Come with me!" She grabs your wrists and runs to the principles office and you both go inside. And mars stands like a pencil. You can't even tell if she's breathing or not but the principal looks up and stands up, she makes her way to you and shakes you hand. "Hello y/n. This is your tourist, Mars."

Bruce Yamada x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now