Chapter 10

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I went back to the dorm after class was over, wondering why Rainia wasn't back from the office. As I was lost in my thoughts, I bumped into someone. "S-Sorry!" I said. The girl just smiled happily, waving her hand, which caused some sparks to come out from it. "Its no problem! Hey, you're new here, aren't you?!" She said excitedly. I nodded. "Y-Yeah.." 'What the hell is wrong with this chick?!' I thought as the excitible girl kept bouncing happily. "I thought so! I'm Solaria!" She started, "If you couldn't tell, my power is electricity!" "Yeah. I can tell. You're also sparking a lot. That might cause the fire alarm to go off." I said. Solaria just laughed and took my arm. "You have to meet my friends!" She said as she dragged me off. "Not like I have a choice.." I muttered. Solaria just happily hummed as she took me to her friends. "So who'd you rope in to become our new friend, Solria?" I heard her friend say. Solaria laughed. "Someone who accidently bumped into me!" I saw a boy with black hair and green streaks in it, with one purple eye and one lime green eye, speak. "Now did she accidently bump into you, or was it the other way around?" He asked, a sense of humor behind his jest. Solaria huffed and crosses her arms, causing her bracelets to jingle as they hit one another. "SHE did bump into me! Right.. Uh... Tina?!" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah. Taylor's my younger sister." "But wait, you aren't twins...?" I heard a new voice asked. I shook my head. "Not at all. Just because our names start with the letter 'T' doesn't fucking mean we're twins!" I said a bit angrily. When people found out our names, they'd always assume that we were twins. I hated when that happened. I STILL hate it when it does happen. "S-Sorry.." The shy voice said. I sighed. I didn't mean to scare anyone. "Its okay.. Sorry for freaking out on you.." "Its okay. I'm used to it." An awkward silence followed after that, until Solaria spoke up. "Soooo... Hey, you three need to introduce yourself to Tina!" She said, fussing over the fact that they hadn't done so yet. I laughed softly at her, as she wondered what I was laughing at. "W... What's so funny?!" She asked, huffing. "You!" I said in between laughs. She blushed a bit and turned, her yellow ribbon high heels nearly giving out as she did so. "Don't fall..." The black and green haired guy said, voice laced with concern. I saw him get up and get closer to Solaria. "I'm not gonna fall!" She said, a little annoyed. "..." The guy just smiled, laughing a little. "Anyways, my name is Shayde." He said. I nodded. A darker skinned girl spoke up, "I'm Arianna. You can call me Ari." The last person looked very uncomfortable with this, but answered anyways, "I'm Mio.." They said. "Stupid question, but Mio are you a girl or a bo-" "I'm a boy..." He said. I blushed a bit, and cursed at myself for not realizing it. "Don't beat yourself up about it.. Its really okay. I'm used to it. Really.." Mio said. Shayde looked at me as if he was inspecting my outfit or something. "Excuse you." I said to him. "What? I'm not doing anything wrong." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, sure. When hell freezes over, I'll believe th-" I was cut off by Tay running me back to my dorm as the other people I just made friends with looked on confusedly...

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