Chapter 14

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A/N: Hello feathers! I apologize for not updating until now. However, I do have finals this week, and until I get to a class where I'm not doing anything, this will be on short hiatus. I just wanted to let you all know what was going on! So continue on reading the story! I love you all~!

I stared in the direction of the noise. "Who's there?" I demanded softly. No response. 'Typical.' I thought, my powers growing in intensity as I kept going towards the noises. I heard a crash and paused, going against the wall. 'This is it...' I thought. All of the horror movies that Tay forced me to watch were flashing through my mind as I took a deep breath in and turned the corner. "... What the hell is this?!" I yelled as I saw the mess in the living room. The table was completely turned over, but everything that was on the table was neatly stacked on top of each other. I continued to stare at the amazing stacking skills when I heard another crash. "Ah son of a bitch!" I heard someone yell. It sounded like a girl's voice, but I could be wrong. Anyways, I ran to the person and slammed the door shut. "Alright! You can't escape me now!" I said. The person moved into the shadows. "Ahh..." They said. "Who the fuck are you?!" I said yelling. They sighed. "Aw, you're no fun~!" Another voice said sweetly. Too sweetly. "Shut up you goons! We have what we want, so let's go!" A third voice said. This person's voice was deeper and more mature than the other two's voices. The second voice had a sickly sweet tone to it and the first voice was soft and a bit high. I blinked quickly. "What do you have that you wanted?!" I asked angrily. The third voice just laughed and shook her head. She went up to me and stroked my face with her hand. "Aww, you're such a cute spitfire! However it's all in vain to be angry at us... I mean..." She started as she got closer to me. I began to blush as this pony-tailed girl got closer and closer to me, until she finally embraced me. "Its not you we're after... But you are very cute." I'm pretty sure I heard gasps from the other two people in the room and that time stopped because I felt it as she kissed me. I felt my blush increase and as soon as I realized what had happened, I backed away covering my mouth. "M-MPPHH?!" I made a noise in shock. My eyes were wide as she just laughed at me. "So cute. I wish we were going after you, but sadly, we aren't." She stated. Wait, did she say sadly?! What the hell?! The trio then disappeared as I sunk down to the floor, my thoughts raced through my mind. 'What was that all about?! She-! She-! She kissed me! That was my first kiss on the lips too! What the hell is wrong with her?! I mean she just came up to me and-! Ugh! Oh my God I can't believe this is happening to me!' I thought. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the door open and I fell back, hitting my head on the floor. "Mpph." I said. I looked up to see who it was. "Hey Tina, what are you doing in my room...?" Rainia asked. I suddenly realized that the trio of people went after something important in Rainia's room. 'But what?' I thought. "I uhm... I... I was exploring..." I said quickly. I was trying to think of a good excuse. "Oh... Okay." She said, looking around the room for something. "Hey Tina?" She said. "Yeah?" "Have you seen my necklace? I thought I left it in my jewelry box, but its not there." So THAT'S what they stole! But how would I tell her? I won't tell her a thing, that's how. "Maybe you misplaced it." I said. She pursed her lips. "You're probably right. I am pretty forgetful when it comes to jewelry..." She said. I sighed. 'Dodged a bullet.' I thought to myself, 'But why would they steal her necklace?' "I guess I won't miss it too much, but still... I wanted to make new memories with it..." She said. "New memories?" "Yeah. Its seen some pretty bad memories." 'Bad memories? Hm... That is a pretty great clue to why they stole the necklace." I got up and headed for the door. "I'll be back in a sec!" I said, running out the door. 'I've got to find Ciro, Shayde, or someone!' I thought as I ran. I ran straight into Torin. "Whoa! Hey there girl! Something wrong?" He asked. "Torin! Oh thank God! Listen, I have something to tell you!" I said hurriedly, pulling him into a closet. "Hey! I know I'm sexy, but take me to dinner first!" He said. I hit his chest. "Listen! Okay so.."
I saw Tori blink. "Damn... That's deep..." he said. "So that girl was your first kiss on the lips?" He asked. I blushed and nodded. "Yeah." "Did you like it?" "I... I really don't know... I guess it did... But it was with another girl..." I said. "I'm not against homosexuals or anybody like that. Its just I thought that my first kiss on the lips would be with a boy..." "That's understandable. I mean you are very hetero, espically for a girl like yourself." He replied. "H-Hey!" I yelled, smacking Tori, blushingly. He laughed, but then switched to Ciro. "In all honesty, those girls must have stolen the necklace to make some sort of bad reaction happen. They'll most likely give the necklace back to her, however it will not be before they do something to it..." He said. I nodded. "Are you sure that will happen though?" I asked. He nodded. "I am extremely positive that will happen. But what it will do to Rainia once she puts it on, I do not know." He replied. "God damn it. Well it looks like we have a mystery to solve." I said. "It'll be short, right?" "I do not think so my dear. It will probably plunge us straight into some cold water where we shall shiver and start to drown. Then once we drown, we'll find something very important." He said. I blinked. "That was a very strange analogy." I said. "But my point got across, did it not?" He asked. "I guess it did, in a weird way..."
'What will we find out once we start down this mysterious path? Will we be all torn apart? Will one of us end up dying? Are my questions going to be answered? I guess we'll see when this gets continued...'

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