Chapter 15

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Hello once again feathers! I give to you the update! However... There is a LOT of cussing in this chapter. And I deal with an... Interesting subject matter. So if you are easily offended, I suggest you turn away now. Also my chapters are going to be longer now.
Love you all~

"I guess my answers won't be answered quite yet... I mean, that would ruin the suspense, right?" I said. I had told Vani, Tay, Shayde, Solaria and Tori/Ciro what had happened to me. I was now talking to Dragomir about it as we walked to class. He stayed in his usual silent way. He shrugged to give me an answer. I sighed. "Freaking great." I said. Dragomir apologetically smiled. "Not your fault." I replied. 'Damn, I'm getting pretty good at reading what he's saying to me!' I thought, smiling to myself. I felt Dragomir pull me aside. I looked at him and he just sighed, pointing at a colulm. I made an 'Oh' with my mouth, continuing to walk beside Dragomir. "Sooo... That three day weekend is coming up. Got any plans?" I asked. He smiled and shook his head, grabbing the door handle and gesturing for me to go inside. I did and I sat down by an empty desk. 'This way Dragomir will be able to sit by me!' I thought excitedly. My heart sunk as a girl sat next to me instead. She looked at me and smirked. "Hello again." she said. 'Wait a minute, I know that voice!' I thought. "You're that chick who kissed me!" I said, whispering harshly. She laughed. "Very good my feisty tiger!" I heard her say. I started to blush frustratedly, until I felt someone rubbing my back. 'Is that who I think it is?!' I thought. Turns out I was right. That warmth that emitts from when he uses powers is really freaking comforting. 'Thanks Dragomir.' I thought to Dragomir. "So my feisty little tiger, how was it?" The girl asked. I wasn't in a mood to think, so I just asked, "How was what?" She laughed. "Our kiss, tiger." She said unfazed. I blushed extremely, lowering my voice; "That was my first kiss on the lips!" She blinked, laughed and smirked. "I'm glad that I was your first, tiger." She said, lifting my chin up to face her as she leaned in towards my body. I blushed more. "S-Stop it." I said, weakily pushing her away. I heard her laugh and saw her pink eyes flash a bright green. "Why are you so happy about being my first k-" The teacher walked in annoyedly, cutting me off. "Alright settle down. I'm going to take roll." He said. "Goldie?" "Here!" "Chanticleer?" "Here." "Dragomir?" "...." Dragomir didn't say anything and he just waved at the teacher. The teacher rolled his eyes. "Speak up next time." He said. I started to get mad and some water started to come out of my hand in little drops. "Don't worry tiger. He'll be felt with soon enough." I heard her say. I blushed due to now close she was to my ear and face. "How do you know that?!" I asked her. She smiled and pointed. "Gaberiella?" No response. "Gaberiella? Are you here?" He kept asking. Gabe rolled his eyes, not paying attention. "I guess she is-" "I'm not a 'she.' I'm a 'he'. Get it fucking right you prick." He said. The teacher glared. "You aren't a 'he'. You're a 'she'. You were born a girl, given a girl's name, and are a female. So I don't give a damn what you 'identify' yourself as!" He said. Gabe got up and went to the teacher. "Do I look like a fucking girl to you?! Does it look like I have boobs?! No it doesn't! Because I don't have those! I never have and never will! My voice isn't a girl's voice, nor is my body a girl's! Now you can go fuck yourself you self-centered, close-minded asshole!" He said, accidently using his powers to lift himself up, eyes glowing a red and dark purple. The teacher just stood there in anger and shock, obviously never been told off by a student that way before. "How dare you tell off a teacher like that when they're starting the class! Go to the principal's office immediately!" He said. Gabe floated up more, starting to growl. "Make me." He said, preparing himself for an attack. The teacher sighed and pulled out a tazer, pointing it at Gabe. To which the boy just laughed, getting two dark orbs which were the same colors as his eyes. "Bring it on old man!" Gabe said, throwing the dark orbs at the teacher. A few of the students screamed and ran to hide somewhere, while most of the others like myself were preparing to fight. The girl on the other side of me looked at my kiss stealer and they both nodded. Both their eyes flashed the bright green I noticed before. I heard some chords being sung and before anyone realized it, we were all calm and serene. The singing calmed us down, even though it wasn't from a song or anything. I stared at my kiss stealer almost in a daze along with everyone else. I kept watching her as I felt... Mesmerized by her. I went to her and when she noticed me, I felt some warmth. I felt wonderful when she noticed me, then I felt even more wonderful as she kissed me again. This time however, I felt myself kiss back, my senses dulled and numbed. I actually enjoyed the kissing that was going on between us. 'Maybe...' I started to think to myself, 'Maybe this won't be so bad after all... If we got into a relationship.. Maybe... Just maybe it could wor-' I was quickly torn away from kissing the girl and my thoughts. I felt disappointed by these events, physically frowning and glaring at whoever pulled me out of there. "What the hell man!" I yelled, seeing who pulled me away. The person I saw was Ciro. He looked concerned and he put his hands on my shoulders. "Tina, are you alright? I heard some sirens singing in there and I came rushing over. Do they have you under their spell?" He asked. I felt more annoyed then usual. "No, I'm fucking fine. Why are you asking me this?" I said. He shook his head. "Well for one your eyes ar- Nevermind. Anyways we have to get to Rainia." He said, dragging me along. "Why the hell do we have to do that?" I asked. "Because she is being used by someone to create something truly evil and chaotic." He said to me. After awhile we got to Rainia, however she seemed to be quite different. Her hair had grown into two long, purple, green and silver streaked, pigtails. Her outfit now consisted of a torn black mini-vest with metal spikes, a yellow and tan top under the vest, a spikes belt, high top boots again with spikes, and dark navy blue jeans with some holes in them. "Rainia? Why are you dressed like that?" I asked her. She laughed. "Because my dear friend, I am now a part of Veronica's group, and no longer a weak puppet." She said to me. "Who's Veronica?" I asked confused. She sighed and shook her head. "She's your kiss stealer." She replied. I blinked. "Wait... How the hell did you know about that?!" I yelled. She laughed. "I didn't at first. Not until I came here, into your mind. Right now you're seeing me in my true form which hasn't happened yet in the real world. Right now you are passed out while Ciro is taking us to the nurse." I stood there shocked. "How is this possible?" I asked. She smirked and said to me, "Anything's possible in this Magic Academy. After all, we all have some magic in us, don't we? If we didn't, we probably wouldn't even be in here." I wanted to say something before that dark version of Rainia left, however I ended up with my eyes open in the nurse's office. I groaned to myself. 'Great, more shit is happening.' I thought, sitting up. I looked across the way to see if anyone else was in the beds next to me, but no one was. "Figures." I said softly. Well I guess it wasn't soft enough because in came a nurse frantically trying to ask me a million questions at once. "Whoa! Slow down lady!" I said. She blinked and calmed down. She took my vitals then after a bit said that I could go back to my dorm, which I did. As I walked there, I heard some people talking. So naturally I had to hide. "Veronica, what did you do to that girl?!" I heard someone ask. Veronica laughed. "Nothing major, Daria. Just a few kisses." She said. "V, this better not end up with her trying to use your powers against us all, otherwise we're all hella screwed." Daria said. "Hey V!" A new voice said happily. "I brought the girl you wanted!" She said excitedly. Veronica seemed to chuckle. "Very good, Bethany." she said. Bethany just kept jumping up and down happily as I heard a set of high heels walk to them. "Hello Veronica. Why am I here?" I heard Rainia say. 'Wait... Rainia doesn't wear high-heels...' I thought. "Because we need ya for some thing doll." I heard a deeper feminine voice say. "Ah, Roxie. Always a delight to see you." Veronica said. "Likewise doll." Roxie said. "Can we start our ritual now? Pleeeaaassseeeee!!" I heard Bethany say. Before I could hear more I ran back to my dorm, went into my bedroom and slammed the door shut, jumping on my bed.

~~~Veronica's POV~~~

I looked up at Roxie. "You know, I have a job for you, Ms. Succubus." I said, purposely being suggestive about what the job is. She just laughed. "Alright doll. Care to tell me what it is?" She asked. I smiled. Roxie has always called everyone she meets or knows, 'doll'. Its as if it's a habit of hers that isn't very annoying.. "If course I'll tell you. You see this little rainbow girl in front of us?" I asked, going up to the girl. "Yeah she's a cute one, doll. What exactly do you want me to do with her?" She asked me. "I want you to make her one of us." I said, my eyes flashing a bright green. She blinked, "So you want me to turn her dark? Easy enough I suppose. However, after I isolate her from her friends, what do I do?" she asked me. "Well just put this necklace on her. It will help with the transformation process." I answered as I handed her the necklace. "Do I put this on right now?" She asked. I shrugged. I watched her put it onto the girl. "Nothing's happening, doll." She said, watching with me. "Give it time Roxie." I responded, going over to her. "You know.. If you want, you can keep her... I mean I'm going to keep a tiger. You can keep the sheep if you want to." I said. She nodded. "Alright doll. I got you covered." "Excellent. Now off with you two." I said, shooing them away. "Now... After Rainia becomes one of us... The others will want to become one of us and become our puppets." I said. Bethany giggled and jumped up and down. "Yay! Give me a Y! Give me an A! Give me a Y! What does that spell? Y-A-Y!" She said. I chuckled. "This isn't your cheerleading practice." Daria said. "So what?" Bethany said. "Hush you two!" I said. They kept fighting as we went to our dorm. I groaned and went to my room that I shared with Roxie who was already asleep. I sighed and fell asleep...

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