Part 19

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(Tina's POV)
As I woke up the next day, I couldn't help but feel like something was... Off... As in, more than normal at the Academy. "Hey Tina?" I heard Tay ask me. "Yeah?" "... Are you sure Rainia is trying a new look? I mean... She's changed more than I ever expected from trying a new look." She said. I looked at her in shock. "Uhm... Well Tay, I have something to tell you..." I said. She raised an eyebrow. "What is it?" She asked. "I saw something... Something really weird and strange happen... I was heading back to the dorm, and I saw two girls standing around talking about me." I started. "Then a new girl showed up as they were talking. She had brought another girl to the others. I heard the bubbly one ask if they could start the ritual." "Did... Did you see the ritual?" She asked. I shook my head. "No, I ran back to the dorm after that." She sighed. "Remind me what this has to do with Rainia." "Okay. As I was running to the dorm, I saw Rainia there." I said. "So... Are you telling me that they put a spell or curse or something on her?" Tay asked. "Its possible that they did. Anyways, you can't tell anyone else about this, Taylor. I don't want this getting back to Veronica or Rainia. Got it?" I said. She nodded and zipped her lips. "I won't tell anyone! I promise!" She said. Somehow I doubted that she wouldn't tell anyone, but I tried to give her the benefit of that doubt. "Okay. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest." I said. "Uh-huh." She grunted, now on her phone. "I swear you're addicted to that tiny thing." I said. She rolled her eyes. "I'm not addicted to it, I just have accounts to check and update every day." She replied. I felt my phone vibrate, but I ignored it. I then got up and got dressed, heading to my first class of the day.
As soon as I entered the classroom, I noticed the lack of noise and people. "Where is everyone?" I asked to the next person sitting next to me. "Oh, I'm not sure. But I hope that nothing bad happened." She said. Her voice seemed light, sweet, airy, bubbly and nice, however there was a bit of a darker tone to it. She had pink hair in pigtails and shining bright green eyes. "Well, yeah, I mean if anything bad happened, we might be screwed." I said, laughing softly. "Maybe you would be. But I have a secret weapon." She said. "Oh? And what's that?" I asked. She grinned a bit insanely then said, "I'm not really here~!" I blinked and the girl was gone. "What... What was that?!" I asked. I heard a book slam. "That was an illusion, caused by that trickster behind you." I heard the guy say. "Did you see it too?!" I asked, starting to get interested. He sighed. "I did not see the same thing you did, but I did hear you talking to the air." He said. I blushed a bit. "O-Oh..." I said. He rolled his eyes. "The trickster behind you is named J-" The yellow eyed guy got interupted by another guy that was now in front of me. "I'm Jester! It's a lot like Hester or Chester, but not quite!" He said, shaking my hand. "You don't have to keep shaking my hand so damn much, jackass." I said annoyed. He just laughed at my cursing while the book guy muttered, "She is a lady with the mouth of finely educated sailor..." I blushed a bit. "That was a good one! What's your guys names?" He asked. "I'm Tina." Glasses guy sighed in annoyance this time and said, "If you must know, my name is Eriol." He said. Jester blinked. "Like... The princess Ariel? From Disney?" Eriol's hand turned into a fist, "For the last time its nothing like the princess Ariel! Mine is spelt very differently!" He said, starting to blush angrily. "This banter is really interesting, but do you guys know where the fuck our teacher is?" I asked. "Not at all. That is why we came in here." Eriol said. "Yeah. Like most of the school is empty, and no one knows where the rest of the student body is." Jester said. "Huh. What do you think could have happened?" I asked. Jester shrugged, and Eriol shook his head. "Well... Suki could have an idea, but I don't know..." Jester said. "Who the hell is Suki?" I asked. I was getting annoyed by not knowing who people were. "She is that pink-haired girl you were talking to." Eriol said. "So you DID see her!" I said. "You're a fucking liar!" He rolled his eyes. "Tina, I have known Jester since childhood. So I have met Suki before." "Why didn't you tell me you son of b-" I got cut off by Suki. "Stop being so mean Tina! Anyways, apparently a tweet went out saying that Rainia wasn't herself, and that she was under a spell. People went wild over this, re-tweeting it, and replying to it." She said. I paled. "Fuck. My. Life! How DARE Taylor tweet about that! That bitch! I told her to keep it to her damn self, and what does she fucking do?! Goes on her fucking phone and re-tweets the damn thing!" I said. "... Whoa. You really do have a mouth of a sailor." Jester said. "Get fucking used to it." I said. "Aaaaand that's why there's a warning for language in the tags for the story!" Suki said. I stared at her blankly. "What the hell are you going on about?" I asked her. "It's about this story that has a character who curses a lot. A few people were commenting on how the author used too many curse words, even though one of the tags said language on it." She said. "Wait... The author put warnings in the tags of the story, yet NO ONE CHECKED THEM?!" I heard Eriol say. "That's fucking stupid. Aren't the tags there for a reason?" Jester asked. I nodded. "Anyways, we got off topic. Suki, do you know who would take the people out of school?" Eriol asked. She nodded. "Yeah. Rainia saw this tweet and started taking people. She seems to be forcefully trying to get answers from other students for who told them." "But that girl is right here..." Jester said, glancing at me. I rolled my eyes. "Thank you Jester, for telling me more about my fuck up." I said. Jester smiled. "No problem~!" He said sweetly. "You're a dick." "You're a lady sailor." "Can we PLEASE get back to the plan?!" Eriol said. "Yeah. Operation Save The Students starts now!" Suki said. I hope we aren't getting into any trouble..
Hello feathers~! I give you an update!
Yes I know there is a breaking the fouth-wall moment. It was my way of venting to the people who comment on my chapters, that DON'T read the tags. I put those words on the tags as warnings. Please read them before commenting on my chapters on my stories.
Thank you,

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