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No part of this book may be transmitted, copied, printed, or distributed in any form without prior consent of the author except for the brief quotations taken from other sources.

All names, places, and happenings in this story are just product of the author's imagination. Any similarities to the actual person, dead or alive, places, or happenings are just purely coincidental.

NOT all pictures used in this story are original property of the author. The author gives due credit to the real owner of the pictures. No copyright infringement intended.

Any social media usernames, profiles, and information found in this story are based on the author's creativity and are PURELY FICTIONAL. They are not real and are non-existent in real social media platforms. Any similarities to people with actual usernames, profiles, and information are, again, purely coincidental.


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Be original.

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All rights reserved.


Snippets and Special ChaptersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon