Chapter 14 - Apple Juice

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'Celestial Divinity'

"Is it really possible that the answer I'm looking for is written here?"

Aria questioned herself and the legitimacy of the book. However, this was the only lead she had, and she decided to give it a chance...

But suddenly she was interrupted by Charlotte, who startled her from her reading.

"Lady, I'm sorry! Did I disturb you?!"

Aria was taken aback by this sudden interruption, but she responded to Charlotte's apology with a small nod and a slight smile.

"No, you're good timing. I'm tired and hungry. Can you get me some food to my room?" Aria asked, and Charlotte, who had a bright smile, nodded in response.

"Yes, my lady," she said, and then Aria continued, "why did you come here about?"

"Ah, I'm just worried because you stay up the whole night at the library" aria eyes widened and smiled at Charlotte in thanks for her concern, as they both walked out of the library together.

Then, as they reached the stairs, Aria turned her head and told Charlotte:

"Give me a warm soup in my room. I'll wait for you Charlotte"

Charlotte nodded in response to Aria's request, as she wanted to be there to bring Aria the meal she requested.

She understood that she was staying up late in the library, and she was concerned about her, and now she wanted to make sure that Aria was warmed up and well fed.

"Lady, I saw an apple in the kitchen yesterday and made juice from it this morning. If you want I will bring it to you," Charlotte said to Aria, offering her delicious apple juice.

"Apple...juice?"Aria asked, her curiosity piqued by the drink. Even though apples were common in the capital, they were as precious as gold to Aria, who couldn't believe that Charlotte was offering her such a rare and delicious treat.

"Okay... I will wait for you"

Diego, who was quite controlling of Aria's diet and food, prohibited her from eating sweet foods like apple juice. He always managed Aria's diet and food, and the maid's sometimes even gave her rotten and expired food, which often made Aria feel sick and throw up.

However, when Charlotte saw Aria's face light up with joy as she accepted the offer of an apple juice, she couldn't help but smile softly at her. This was the first time she had seen Aria so excited about something, and she wanted to bring her an extra-big serving to match her enthusiasm.

[Skip How Charlotte got the Apple juice i want to fucused to the main character]


Aria heard a knock on the door of her room and realized that she was being called for dinner.

"Ah, come in," Aria replied, as she was welcoming her maid who had come to deliver her food.

"Miss, it's time to eat," the maid greeted her, and Aria, who hadn't had a meal all day, was looking forward to eating. The thought of the delicious food and the delicious apple juice was enough to make Aria's mouth water.

Charlotte, who had taken Aria's delicious apple juice to her room, entered the Emerald room and couldn't take her eyes off Aria.

Aria, with her lifeless-like dark red eyes and her face like it was made by God, had a hypnotic presence that captivation everyone's attention, including Charlotte.

Charlotte couldn't help but be shocked by Aria's beautiful face as her eyes met her, and she felt a strange pull towards Aria, as if she was being drawn in and enchanted.

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