Chapter Thirty Five

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The only chapter for today! I'm giving you all time to prepare for the next chapter and I might post it later.

A few days passed and it was now getting closer to Paisley's birthday. I was a little nervous about meeting her mom cause I wasn't sure what to expect as far as meeting the woman that's been giving me the hardest time ever since I first found out about her.

Paisley was very excited about me meeting her cause she wouldn't stop talking about it the last few days when I took her to school or picked her up.

She said her mom was definitely in a better mood and was doing everything with Paisley, which made me happy for them both.

I asked Paisley one day if her mom knew about me, cause it's been on my mind lately, and she said that she knew parts about me but nothing too personal.

"She doesn't know your name."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Why not?"

"Cause I didn't tell her."

She smiles as I glance over at her as I was taking her to school one morning. "What did you tell her about me?"

"How you're my neighbor and my best friend. Also you're like a sister to me and you take me to school and pick me up." She shrugs as I raise an eyebrow towards her.

"But she doesn't know my name?"

"Nope. Just like you never asked for her name."

I honestly didn't care about her name so I never asked. I figured I'll know all about that once I met her and it was honestly a little nerve-wrecking to say the least.

I know I had a lot to say to this morning and I promised myself that I wouldn't hold back once she was in front of me.

Only two more days.

When I told Rose about that, she was excited and told me to tell her everything. She also mentioned that Miss Dawson could still be her mom but I covered her mouth and told her not to even think that.

Then when I mentioned us fucking..

She completely lost it.

I could see people looking at us when we were outside for lunch. I was about to get up and leave cause she was standing there with her mouth open and eyes wide before jumping up and down, screaming.

Then she jumped on me and said she was so happy.

"Why?" I pushed her off.

"Cause you shared a moment that you never experienced."

I gave her a confused look. "I've had sex before."

"Yeah with girls you didn't even like."

"I liked them.. a little."

"But not how you like Miss Dawson."

Shrugging, I knew she had a point. I really did like Adeline a lot and what we shared was beyond anything I had before.

"I guess you're right."

She smiles. "You know I'm right."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as we sat outside for lunch, talking a little before the bell rung. I saw Rose smiling at me as we were walking inside the building and I tried hard to ignore her

I've been keeping that a secret for two days, away from her cause I knew how she would act.

It hasn't been that weird seeing Adeline in class cause I kept my thoughts about from that day and focused on class instead of how I fucked my teacher.

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