Chapter 1

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It's a bleak world of black and white; one can only see color once they meet their muse. I'm bit of a wallflower, I haven't met my muse yet. I don't know if I ever will. I'm an outcast, a reject. School is the equivalent of hell for me. Animals; that's what they are. No respect for anyone, chastising those who are different. There is only one kid who really leaves me alone. He leaves everyone alone though, and they leave him alone. I wish I could be as lucky as him. His name is Calum.

People always say that people never stay the same. Sometimes it's quite ironic. Calum used to be outgoing, bubbly, friendly. Now he is antisocial. I don't know why though, no one really does. He went from a kid who talked to everyone and had all kinds of friends to someone who keeps to himself and himself only.

He doesn't seem to care that people think he's different; people like his mysteriousness and secretiveness. People live for the mystery.

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