⌈2⌋ Well Aren't You A Numb Little Bug

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I had stumbled into Eddie Munson. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to." I looked up at him.

"Nah, don't worry about it. Where ya been? You just disappeared," he said.

"I decided to be homeschooled," I said. I crossed my arms.

   "Hm. That's interesting. Now why on earth would you do that?" He started slowly walking around me, as if he were studying me.

   I shrugged. "Guess I just wanted to. You still the drug lord around here?" I wanted to change the subject. I don't want any questions like that.

He bowed and held his hands out. "That's me. You lookin' to buy?"

   I laughed. "No I've got my own prescribed ones. They work like a charm." I probably shouldn't have said that.

He crossed his arms to mimic me. He leaned forward. "Oh, do tell. What might those be?"

I should not have said that. "Ah you know...they're supposed to...suppress my emotions. Some sort of medical reason. Now I hardly feel any strong emotions. Whaddaya know." I tried playing it off.

   "Hm. Well aren't you a numb little bug. See, I might have to borrow some from you. Would love to give that a try. Also, you ever change your mind about D&D?" He asked.

   I looked down and bit my lip. "No, sorry Eddie. I don't think it's my thing."

   "I mean if you would try it, I'm sure you'd love it," he taunted. He quit circling me.

I started circling him. "I have tried. My buddy Will tried to teach me. I am a lost cause."

He stepped forward and stopped me in my path. "Oh, but I haven't tried. The end of my campaign is tonight. At least come and spectate? We can work from there."

We stared at each other for a moment. I don't know if I should. Is it safe? Oh what the heck. It's D&D. Nothing will upset me.


"Guess I'll see you tonight. Henderson can give you more details." Eddie continued looking at me. I never realized how pretty his eyes were. That sounds stupid, but it's true.

"See you tonight." I broke the eye contact and walked past him. D&D tonight. I hope we don't have anything planned.

   I speed walked down the halls. I should've said bye to Max and them, but I needed to leave. I got to my bike. I kicked the stand up and was about to take off.

   "You're leaving already?" I turned around to see Dustin's sad face.

   "I...yeah. Sorry Dustin. Today just...today just isn't a good day," I apologized.

   "Oh. I understand. Good luck with you homeschool stuff," he said.

   "Oh and before I forget, I'm coming to spectate D&D. Eddie invited me." I gave a halfhearted smile. I really don't know why he would want to invite me. We're not close friends. Maybe he's just trying to be nice.

   He clapped and cheered. "Yes! This will be great. You are going to love it.

   I waved and said goodbye to him. I started pedaling. I took one more look back. Dustin was already walking back into the building. I rode my back to the video store where Steve works. I need to exchange a few words with him.

   I stood my bike up and marched into the store. I almost called him by his full name, but there were other people in the building. Steve was talking to some girl, so I stood there, leaning against a shelf and glared at him.

Thin Ice | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now