⌈6⌋ My Powers Are Going To Be The Death Of Us

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    Bits and pieces came back at a time. After a moment, I realized my dream was all over the place. It was a variation of Billy's death, the recurring nightmare that haunts me. The Mind Flayer shot its arm through Billy, and in this dream, I couldn't move. All I could do was scream his name. Then, the room filled with red smoke. Once it cleared, the bodies of Billy and the Mind Flayer melted. A figure appeared above them. There were things attached to him. I can't understand it. All I know is that it looked like a much scarier version of the Vecna piece Eddie used in his campaign.

   The figure, Vecna, floated down to me. I wasn't able to recognize him until later because he was disorientated. I just couldn't clearly see him. He held up a hand, with long, curved claws. That, I could see. He whispered something in a low, raspy voice. Something along the lines of, "They are going to join me."

   It changed again to a basketball game. I was a cheerleader in a white and green uniform. It changed to me in a house I've never been in before. Then I heard a voice. "(Y/N), I've fixed this skirt. It'll fit you now since you were too big." It was female but distorted.

   I ran to another room to find a man in a rocking chair. His eyes and mouth were sewn shut. I almost gagged in the dream, and ran to the door. I opened it to find boards covering the doorway, keeping me in.

   I turned around and Vecna was right in front of me. The dream changed again, to an altered memory. It was Max comforting me a few days after the  mall incident. Except, we were in the Upside Down. "It wasn't your fault, (Y/N). It wasn't your fault," Max said. She continued to repeat it until her voice was distorted. "It was your fault! It was all your fault! It was your fault!"

   The dream changed once more to my birth mother. We were having a picnic in a flowery meadow. Which is odd, because I don't recall us ever going on picnics.

   "I'm sorry. What's done is done. Open your eyes. See what is in front of you. Open your eyes. Open your eyes," my real mom said. The dream ended and the memory stopped whatever trance I was in.

   After all that, I quickly gasped and took a deep breath. I was brought back to my surroundings. Eddie and Steve were in my face and shaking my shoulders. Eddie looked like he was on the verge of tears. Max and Dustin were right behind them, and Robin was next to me holding my arm.

   "What the #¡&$ was that?" Steve asked.

   I shook my head and drew my knees up to rest my head on them. "I don't know," I whispered.

   "(Y/N) if this has something to do with our situation, please share," Dustin said.

   I lifted my head up. "Y-you know how...how I have a lot of nightmares about our history with the Upside Down?" I asked. They all nodded, except for Eddie. He tilted his head and his face was full of concern.

   I looked down at my converse. "I had one last night, and didn't think much of it. I didn't even remember everything. A-and just now...it all came back to me. It was weird. It..it was like I wasn't here anymore. Like I-I was back in the dream." I shuddered and looked at Max. I gave her an apologetical look. She's so fed up with me apologizing for not being able to save Billy, so I've gone to just give her looks.

   "%@&¡," Dustin said and put his hands on his head. "%@&¡ %@&¡ %@&¡."

   "But I'm totally fine. Right?" I asked. I knew the answer to that question. I was most certainly was not fine.

   "No you're not fine! God I...we need to get you home," Steve said. "C'mon guys."

   "Woah woah woah, you can't just leave me!" Eddie said.

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