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- cinira 'nyiah' brooks' pov - july 7th 2022 -
- awful things (21) - lil peep, problems -

i watch with all the bored feelings in the world, as dove orchid stab her fork through the still steaming, grilled chicken breast she had ordered thirty sum minutes ago when the waitress lady came to take our order and shit.

dove orchid hold the chicken down with two fingers, as she grip onto the fork and snatch it out, pulling a few strings of chicken meat out with it. then she go back to stabbing the chicken again. but this time, she don't struggle with the fork. she just stab and pull it out. and she keep on with this weird shit. this some real, aggressive, weird shit.

i don't care who got shit to say about anything, stabbing meat with a look in yo eyes that ain't really even there for real, is weird.

everything about this hoe in front of me? weird. ain't shit about her that's not weird.

yeah, she took me to the diner we at right now and she said she was gonna pay, but that don't make her any less weird.

she supposedly my stalker and i find that scary in a fear way, not a pussy way. actually let me stop 'cause i don't get scared. like, when certain situations call for it, i only act how people would act in those situations. like if somebody got hurt, somebody would probably cry, but if it were me in that situation, i'd only act like i'm crying.

i only feel bad when i have to. i'm only at this stupid ass diner 'cause some weird hoe name dove orchid, made me.

"hey," she calls out. i turn to look at her and she nods to the plate i ain't touch since it was sat in front of me. "eat,"

i shake my head 'cause one, bitches don't tell me what to do, and two, i'm not hungry.

"i'm not in the mood to eat,"

weird ass hoe squints at me for a long ass time and i squint right back 'cause the fuck she lookin' at like that? like, okayyeah, she a stalker but i ain't never been no punk.

i don't mean mentally though, i mean physically. i'm always ready to beat a bitch ass.

dove orchid tears her eyes away from mine and a few seconds after, is when i feel sum'n cold and hard pressing against my knee cap. i knit my eyes together in confusion as it slowly registers in my brain that the cold, hard thing is the gun's muzzle, and because of i realize it, i get quiet as fuck. "eat or loose your ability to walk," she options.

"you can't make me eat if I don't want to."

"says who?"

why the fuck she always asking that for? "says me,"

her eyebrows raise for a quick second. "you do know i have a gun, right?"

"duh, and it don't move me. i was supposed to die on a nasty ass mcdonald's floor some hours ago, i ain't scared."

after some seconds, the gun slowly slides off my knee. "not valuing certain things that contribute to your everyday life is frightening, nyiah brooks."

my phone vibrates against the table and i pick it up immediately, choosing not to reply to the weird girl across from me. it's a notification from instagram, a post notification telling me aaliyah added some shit to her story.
the same damn aaliyah that canceled on me earlier 'cause she was too 'busy' to hang out today. i don't care what she had to do, she fucked up for that.

i tap the notification and it send me straight to aaliyah story where i see that she reposted sum random hoe picture. all up on here talkin' bout sum 'my super pretty girl 🤓'

i turn my face up and tap the girls post, opening her page. i stroll, and keep on strolling, tryna see what aaliyah find so damn pretty but ain't shit to find.

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