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- cinira 'nyiah' brooks' pov | chapter forty (40)
- november 25th 2022 | lil peep - mirror, mirror

i didn't make any kind of effort to move when daddy wife told me to, so she did what she said she'd do.

she ran freezing cold water into the tub until it was full, dropped a bar of that 99 cent gas station soap into the water, and then dragged me up outta my bed and outta my room until i was in the bathroom, and into the tub.

she took me out of my shirt and mumbled something about me having to do the rest, before she left out the bathroom.

slammed the door as hard as she could as she did.

i sat there in the tub for a long time without doing anything.

the bra, and the leggings, and the panties i was wearing when daddy wife threw me into the tub, began to stick to my skin the longer i sat.

and those pieces of clothes ended up in a black garbage bag by the end of the night but i don't kno how that happened.

it's a new day now and i still smell like the cold water and cheap soap bath daddy wife left me to sit in some days ago.

"now, you make sure you give your counselor that note your daddy wrote and stick to the story i gave you." daddy wife mutters as she glances at me through the rear view mirror, driving her car forward as she do.

she taking me to school. i don't wanna go. daddy at work, that's why he couldn't take me. i still wouldn't wanna go if he was driving me. i still wouldn't.

"and actually, let's practice right quick," she suggests like it's not of those suggestions you can have another answer to. "hey, cinira.." she starts. "where you been lately?"

i stay silent and stare out the window, watching the view fly past us.

we drove past a corner store that sell fake designer stuff a few blocks ago. sophomore year, chris bought me one of they watches. he said it was a rolex.

one time he got loud with me because while we were on our way to homeroom, i stopped by my locker to put one of my books away and was having trouble with my locker. chris didn't make any effort to help, and when a boy saw that, helped me get it open while chris just watched.

later on in the day, chris brought it up as we stood in his room. we started to argue about it and then all of a sudden he was like, "that's why yo watch tick!"

i called him dumb as soon as he said that because watches supposed to do that. but then he told me that rolex's wasn't.

i stopped wearing the watch after that. and when people asked my why, i lied and said it got stolen.

"i said.." daddy wife starts asking again, "where you been cinira?"

i blink once. "home. sick."

"mm!" she let's out a quick and sharp hum like the old black ladies do at church when they hear something good.

"see, that's all i wanted to hear, girl. and you better say it, too." she look at my through the rear view mirror again. what she need to do is keep her eyes on the road. "cause if you go in that school and tell them people you been cryin' in your room for 2 weeks straight, it's gonna be a problem"

she keep on talking. she the only one who been talking to me these past few weeks. i wish she wasn't talking to me. i rather cut my ears of with those big ass garden scissors, twice, then have her keep on talking to me. "and it's not even me you're gonna have a problem with, it's gonna be the state. you hear me? when the state gets ahold of you, what goes on with you is gonna be outta me and your daddy's control. so if you don't want that, say what i tell."

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