Sidekicks Ahoy

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The turtles and Lizzie just got out of the movies

Mikey: Sometimes I think Jupiter Jim won't save the galaxy in time but then he does!

Lizzie: These movies are so good!

Leo: Are we still movie marathoning or is that the real Jupiter Jim signal?

Leo pointed to Jupiter Jim's signal in the sky

Lizzie: Raph is that...

Raph: It better not be


The five of them went to the roof and saw Marcus Moncrief AKA Jupiter Jim

Raph: And it is...

Jupiter Jim: Well if it isn't my alien turtle and cat allies! A pleasure but alas I was hoping my signal would bring back to me my dear friend Red Fox

Raph: You mean the one you kidnapped like how you kidnapped everyone else?

He hugged his brothers and Lizzie

Raph: you're not going to kidnap us are you?

Lizzie: I told you I'd keep my eye on you

Jupiter Jim: No of course not! Can you ever forgive me for acting like-

Leo immediately hugged Jupiter Jim

Leo: You're forgiven! Right Liz?

Lizzie: Well if you can forgive Draxum we can forgive him

Jupiter Jim: Then it's good that you come. Red Fox has abandoned me and an alien threatens life on earth and I need help! One of you four must become my new sidekick

Donnie: Gasping!

Leo: Jupiterness I would be honored to be your... and now I'm tearing up here... Sidekick!

Raph pulled everyone into a huddle

Raph: Guys I get it. When we were Toddler Mutant Ninja Turtles we all dreamed of being  JJ's sidekick

Lizzie: Aww!

Raph: But he's not a real superhero. Remember he's a crazy actor who thinks he's Jupiter Jim

Leo: But... But... But... Fun?

Donnie Leo and Mikey make puppy dog eyes

Lizzie: Also we fought the shredder. We can handle a crazy actor

Raph: Fine. You can have your fun. But if any real crime-

Mikey: Okay Mr. Jim we are in!

Jupiter Jim: Shambow! Tryouts will begin starting now!

Lizzie: Dibs on the ray gun!

Raph: What? Lizzie you're doing this to?!

Lizzie: Can you blame me? These movies are great!

Raph: Just make this stardate quick


They all go back to Jupiter Jim's headquarters

Donnie was about to sit in the captain's chair

Leo: Donnie! The captain's chair is not for sidekicks!

Donnie: Though as JJ's biggest fan maybe you deserve to sit in it

Leo thought about it

Lizzie: Leo it's a trap

Leo sat in the captain's chair

Lizzie: Leo!

Leo: It's the captain's chair Liz! The captain's chair!

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