13. Addict with a Pen

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Monday morning Maggie walked with Mama and Papa to school. She was very, very nervous because the monsters hadn't given her her words back yet.

"Okay, Bug," Mama said, bending down in front of Maggie. "Do you want me to walk you in?"

Maggie nodded. Her thumb started making its way to her mouth. She put her hand in her pocket.

"Okay, say bye to Papa and Jim, and we'll go see Mrs. Donovan, okay? Your class is going to be so excited to see you back!"

Maggie smiled a small smile. She turned around and hugged her papa who hugged her back, picked her up and placed a wet kiss on her cheek. Maggie laughed silently, and wiped her cheek. She hugged Jim as soon as Papa put her down and then took Mama's hand.

"See you later, alligator!" Papa said. Maggie turned around and waved at her papa. He smiled, worried, though, how his mute daughter would manage through the day.

Debby had called the school to let them know Maggie was coming back and that she wasn't able to speak right now. Mrs. Donovan had let Debby know she would make sure her transition back to school was as smooth as possible.

"Here we are, Bug," Mama said, stopping in front of Mrs. Donovan's colourful classroom door. Mrs. Donovan opened the door and smiled down at Maggie.

"Maggie Dun! We are so excited you're back! The whole class missed you! We are so happy that you are feeling better!"

Maggie smiled at her. Mrs. Donovan knelt down to Maggie's level and looked in the small girl's eyes.

"Your mama tells me your voice is still asleep," she said. Maggie nodded. "Okay. Well, if your voice doesn't want to wake up, that's okay. You can write your questions for me, okay?"

Maggie nodded.

"Okay, Bug," Mama said. "Papa and I have to go. We'll pick you up after school, okay?"

Maggie was still a little nervous but she nodded. She'd show Mama and Papa she was a brave girl. And maybe the monsters would give her her voice back because they'd see she was stronger than them. She had to be. She'd found her way out of their dark place.

"Friends!" Mrs. Donovan said, getting the class's attention. "Our friend Maggie is back! She was very sick but now she's better and ready to come back to school! Now, Maggie's voice is still asleep, so she won't be able to talk to you. But she can still hear you. So let's welcome our friend back to school!"

Taylor and Ashley came over and gave Maggie hugs.

"We missed you!" Taylor said. "Are you better?"

Maggie shrugged and nodded.

"What happened?" Ashley asked.

Maggie shrugged. She didn't know.

"My mom said you were in a coma. But no one knows why. Do you?"

Maggie shook her head. She didn't want to tell about the monsters and the snake like things. Even if she could talk.

"Did you get our card?" Ashley asked. "We made a big card for you. Did you get it?"

Maggie nodded and pulled out a piece of drawing paper and wrote on it 'Tank Yu for the kard' and gave it to Mrs. Donovan to show the class.

"Friends, look! Maggie says thank you for the card we made for her. You're welcome Maggie. We're glad you're back. Now, everyone, we're going to start with music today. Everyone come pick your instrument. Maggie, I saved the drum for you. Do you still want it?"

Maggie smiled and nodded. Mrs. Donovan was amazing.

Throughout the school day, classmates asked Maggie a question or two about when she was sick, but no one seemed to press her to talk. They were fine to wait for her to write her answers to them.

At recess, Taylor and Ashley told her what she's missed in the three weeks she was away from school. They caught her up on classroom gossip. Apparently Steven had been caught eating a booger, James got caught peeing in the playground, Daphne had shown the boys her underwear and Chloe liked James but not anymore since he peed in the playground.

None of her friends treated her any differently, even though she couldn't talk.

At the end of the day, Maggie came running out of the school with a huge smile on her face and an envelope for Mama and Papa from Mrs. Donovan. Mrs. Donovan had already told Maggie it was a note about her first day back because Mama and Papa wanted to know, and she knew Maggie couldn't tell them everything.

"You're not in any trouble," Mrs. Donovan said, handing Maggie the envelope, smiling. "It's just like a story. But about your day."

"Hi, Bug!" Mama said, her arms out, ready to catch Maggie in a hug. She picked Maggie up as soon as Maggie got to her and her papa took her hand and kissed her little fist.

"How's my little pumpkin?" Papa asked. "Did you have a good day?"

Maggie nodded and smiled and held out the envelope.

"What's this, my little pumpkin? Did you get in trouble?" Papa pretended to frown and be mad. Maggie giggled silently. She shook her head.

Papa took Maggie and Mama took the envelope. She opened it and read it out loud as they walked home. Jim stayed beside Papa, right near Maggie.

"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dun," Mama read. "Just a short note to tell you how Maggie's first day back with us went.

Maggie's friends were delighted to see her back, and everyone wanted to know how she felt.

The class understood that Maggie couldn't speak right now, and we had no incidents.

Maggie participated in the class to the best of her ability and was very happy in music. If she had a question for me, Maggie wrote it down for me to answer.

At recess, she was surrounded by her friends and they all played very nicely together. Maggie smiled all day and I have no concerns with her in class at this point.

As always, we'll watch for any issues between her and her peers.

All in all, I'd say Maggie had a perfect first day back."

"Sounds like a good day," Papa said. "Did you have a good day, Pumpkin?"

Maggie nodded enthusiastically.

"Well, I think someone earned ice cream for an after school snack," Mama said. "What do you think, Bug?"

Maggie nodded enthusiastically again, now perched on her papa's back, getting a piggyback ride home. Jim kept looking up at Maggie.

Mama and Papa talked the whole way home, talking to Maggie and laughing.

Maggie felt safe with her mama and her papa. The monsters had to be lying. Mama and Papa loved her. And she loved them. Maggie smiled.

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