First days in Alexandria

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You were living in Alexandria peacefully for a few months before another group of stragglers was welcomed to live with your community by Deanna. You were cautious of them, because they were a little more feral still. You'd been that way once, too. You'd been welcomed here after living out there alone for several months. You'd lived here for a few years now safely.

You arrived at the welcome party a little late, but before you had a chance to knock on the door you heard the sound of a stick cracking. It sounded like it came from beside the house, so you snuck around the side, making sure to keep your footsteps light. As you rounded the side your eyes fell on a man. One of theirs, lurking outside the window looking in.

"What're you doing?" You asked, expecting your voice to make him jump with his level of concentration, but it didn't.
"None a' your business." He responds gruffly.
"Okay... well, are you gonna sit out here in the dark all night or go in?" You ask.
His eyes flick toward you for a moment, then he looks back to the window. "Nah." He responds.
"Why not?" You inquire.
"Not my kinda thing." He responds, then begins to walk off, passing you, still stood on the edge of the deck.
"Hey!" You yell up the street to him, but he doesn't stop.
You step off the deck and bolt down the street after him, grabbing his shoulder to turn him around when you reach him. "Hey," you pant.
"What?" He snaps, glaring at you pointedly.
"It's not my kinda thing either, so why don't we tag team it?" You ask, still panting. "Your friends probably want you to be there, right?" You ask.
He thins his eyes, before brushing you off and continuing to walk. "C'mon man." You pant, walking next to him.

He stops suddenly and whips around, stepping so close that his face was inches from yours. "What do you want from me girl?" He snaps.
You sigh, "Deanna wanted me to be there, but I don't like some of the guys in there. They've given me trouble before. I can handle myself, but you looked tough, so I thought it would be better to go in with you. So they don't try to catch me alone or-" you rambled nervously, eventually being cut off by him.
"Fine. If I go in there with you for a bit will you leave me be?" He snaps again.
You nod, and he starts walking back toward the party with you in tow.

Once you got inside you B lined it for the alcohol, and he slowly walked behind you, inspecting the place closely for exits and threats.

You grabbed a beer off the table in the middle of the room, and he stood near you silently. "You want one too?" You ask.
You popped the top off one then handed it to him, and he nodded a thank you. You looked around a bit, finding one of your friends to latch onto quickly. You turned around to ask him if he'd like to join you, but he'd disappeared, probably to talk to one of his friends. You shrugged it off and walked to your friend.


You quickly got tired of social interaction, and fled to the kitchen where no one else was. You sighed, sagging against the kitchen counter. You looked around for a moment, and a small light from out back on the deck caught your eye. You wandered through the screen door quietly, then quickly realized it was the man from earlier. A cigarette was hanging out of his mouth as he looked out on the wall behind Deanna's house with displeasure.

"Hey." You said, and his eyes watched you as you walked over and sat in the Adirondack chair next to his.
You placed your beer next to his empty one on the small table between you. "I never caught your name." You said, leaning back in the chair.
"Daryl." He rasped in his southern accent.
"I'm Y/N, Y/L/N."
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, and you watched his focused expression as he thought something over. "Penny for your thoughts Dixon?" You asked, taking a swig of your now warm beer.
"I don't trust those walls. An' I can't see over em' either." He rasps.
You hum understandingly. "I get it."
"How, you have to trust them to live here."
"You'd be surprised. Hearing the rotters beat on the metal at night makes it hard to sleep. I doubt the walls then." You say gravely, "Plus, I spent around a year out there. Alone."
You brought your knee up to rest your head on it, watching him think. He seems thoughtful, thinks before he speaks a lot. You noticed.

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