His vest

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"C'mere. There's a couple of them o'er there." Daryl says, pointing into the corner of the grocery store the two of you were in.
"Right behind you." You chime in.

You and Daryl had become a bit of a duo ever since the prison. When the group had separated you two ended up together, and when the group reunited the two of you didn't separate. You two went on runs together alone all the time, like now.

You thrusted your knife through the soft skull of a walker, it's blood splattering over your cheek. You looked over to see Daryl pulling an arrow from another's forehead.

He looks up at you shortly after, his glance fleeting. He starts to turn away before he looks again, blood quickly rushing to his cheeks. You grin, placing your hands on your hips. "What, you got somethin' to say Dixon?" You tease, swaying your hips a little.
He looks away, his hand coming up to wipe under his nose nervously. "Your uh... your shirt." He rasps, cheeks still red.
You look down. Oh shit. Your flannel shirt had been torn down the middle, probably a walker grabbed it or it got caught on something while you were taking one out. And on the day you decided not to wear a bra. "Oh fuck."

You turn away from him, wrapping the shredded flannel over your, admittedly red, exposed skin. "Sorry."
"Not 'cher fault." He says, rustling behind you as he removes his vest.
He places it over your shoulders before turning away to stalk off and find formula for Judith. You sigh, feeding your arms through the holes in his vest and buttoning it over your naked chest. "Thank you." You mutter, listening to your voice echo through the store.
He doesn't respond, but you hear the sound of him shuffling through shelves and decide that he heard it.


The ride home in the car was deathly silent, Daryl was still as a corpse the whole ride, his hand wrapped around his face and over his lips. You peeled at him occasionally, trying to gauge when the next time you'd talk would be. You decided it was now. "Y'know what you saw back in the store- it doesn't have to make things... weird between us. Or anything." You mutter, hands fumbling with his vest nervously.
He stays silent for a moment, seeming to choose his words carefully. "Okay." He responds finally.


Things between the two of you stayed awkward around until your group got to Alexandria. Daryl was tense, you could tell by the way he watched the people here. Looked at the walls. He didn't feel safe, he didn't feel like he was in control. You wanted to talk to him, but you didn't know how to since what happened in the store. His responses were always short and thought out, like he wasn't speaking his mind. But to be fair, you weren't speaking yours either. You couldn't keep your thoughts about him clean since then. Anytime you tried to think about him you saw flashes of things you hadn't seen yet. Things you wanted to see.

     You tossed and turned in bed for hours unable to sleep. Finally, you decided you'd had enough and climbed off the floor next to a couple of the others from the group. You padded out of the living room and to the front door. You swung it open just enough to slip out, turning around to watch it close silently. You turn around slowly to see Daryl sat on the front step, watching you. "Daryl." You greet him.
     He hums in response, looking away from you, dressed in small shorts and a tank top. He was wearing what he always does. That vest, dark jeans, and a button up with the sleeves cut off.

     I wonder what he'd look like with none of it on. Shut up.

     "May I?" You ask, gesturing to the spot next to him shortly after shaking off your dirty thoughts.
     He hums again, nodding his head a little. You plop down next to him, bringing your knees up to your chest to keep out the bit of chill in the night air.

     "Daryl?" You ask through the silence.
     He hums in response, still not speaking. Either because he's tired, or awkward around you still. "Why have you been keeping things from me? We  got so good at speaking our thoughts to each other." You ask.
     "Dunno what you're talking about." He grunts.
     "Don't lie to me Daryl." You snap, looking over at him with disapproving eyes.
     "I'm not." He huffs.
     You stand from your place on the deck, "I'm not going to talk with you if you don't tell me the truth." You say, beginning to walk away before his voice chimes out.
     "It's because I saw your tits okay lady!" He shouts above you storming off.
     "And why should that change anything?" You ask.
     "Cause' it... it made me think of you... different." He admits, looking away from you and fumbling with his fingers nervously.
     "What do you mean, different?"
     "You know."
     "I don't." You sigh.
     "It made me... I don't know."
     "Just tell me." You snap, turning around to look at him.
     You walk back and sit in your spot next to him. You let your head drop onto his shoulder comfortably. "C'mon man, we've been through everything together. Don't go out on me just because you saw my tits." You laugh.
     "I ain't never seen em' before okay!" He shouts, cheeks red as can be.
     "And why does that matter. Now you've seen them, who cares?"
     "Because..." he begins, stopping himself yet again.
     "Spit it out big man." You tease.

     He glances down at you, your hair falling over his shoulder and concealing your face. He reaches down, his rough, dirty fingers brushing the hair away from your eyes. You look up at him through your long eyelashes, and he can feel his breath catch in his throat. "If I do, it might not be like this again." He explains, "Dunno if it'll be better... worse... or just different."
     "Stop being cryptic Dixon."
     He sighs, scooting away from your weight on his shoulder. You sit up, watching him as his gaze refuses to meet yours. "You made me wanna... rip my vest right off a' you. Pick you up, take you right there. In that nasty ass grocery store." He says with a slightly disgusted laugh.
     Your blush grows darker, watching his lips and listening to the words escaping them. Knowing that's exactly what you've been wanting him to do for weeks.

     His glance meets yours, his mouth falling open a little at your sinful expression. "Y/N?" He asks.
     "Daryl, kiss me." You demand.
     His eyes open wide, his searching your own. You sigh, before shifting out of your spot to straddle him. "Tell me now if this isn't okay." You demand, placing your hands on either side of his neck, and brushing your thumbs over the skin there comfortingly.
     His hands move up to grab the small of your back gently, and you smile.

Your lips connected softly, your hand moving up to tangle into his dirty hair. He drags you into him, pressing his chest against yours. His breath heaves against you, his lips moving desperately.

You pull away to catch your breath, pressing your forehead against his. "You really need to take a shower." You tease.
He grins, pressing another soft kiss to your lips. "Only if you join me."

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