Daryl's tent at the farm

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        You sit around a fire with a couple of the other girls at camp. You, Andrea, Lori, and a couple of the new girls Maggie and Beth, were all playing truth or dare, and it was your turn. "Truth."
"Pussy." Andrea laughs, taking a swig of her beer.
"Yeah yeah whatever." You roll your eyes, swiping the bottle from her hands to press it to your lips.
"You never take a dare." Andrea presses, leaning against her knees towards the fire.
"Yeah, why don't you take one just this once." Lori chimes in, gesturing for you to give her the bottle.
You chug the rest of it, placing the empty bottle in her hand with a grin, and she glares at you, dropping it to the ground. "Fine." You sigh, "dare."
Andrea and Lori look at each other mischievously, and you realize you're really in for it now. "I dare you... to get a pair of Daryl's underwear." Andrea grins.

You'd had a crush on him for quite a bit, and Andrea wasn't dumb, she must've noticed and planned it with Lori. Andrea and Lori weren't incredibly fond of you, since you were from an enemy group that had a run in with theirs. You were only alive now because Rick had been kind enough to allow you to live.

Your face goes red almost immediately and you glare at her. "No."
"Pussssyyy!" Lori shouts drunkenly, and Beth shoves her lightly.
"If she don't want to she don't have to." Beth says sweetly, looking at you with kindness.
You smile back, but give a sigh when you see the annoyed looks on both Andrea and Lori's faces. If you wanted to win them over, you might as well play along. "Fine, I accept your dare. I'll be right back." You stand up and stalk off in the direction of his tent in the dark.

His tent comes into view after a few minutes of walking, and you spot him sat next to a small fire, roasting something- a rabbit over it. Your steps immediately dampen, knowing that he had keen hearing. You take cover behind a large tree stump, peering over it at him carefully.

You wait for who knows how long before his fire starts to get low, and he stalks off into the woods to get more firewood. Once he's out of sight, you slink toward his tent, slipping inside silently. You look around briefly before finding a pile of clothes in the corner, and drop to your knees to shuffle through it.

After looking through it and a few other clothes sprawled about his tent, a thought reaches your mind. What if he doesn't wear underwear? What if Daryl is constantly commando? You blush wildly, pressing your hands to your face to cover it in embarrassment.

"What the hell'r you doin' in here?" Daryl rasps, making you jump.
Your eyes flick to his enraged face and words immediately start spilling from your lips. "A- Andrea and Lori- they uh- we were playing truth or dare. I would've chosen truth but Andrea and Lori made me choose dare, so I- I got dared to come here." You spill, watching him timidly.
"Come here and do what?" He snaps.
"To- um..." you look down, unable to tell him without turning into a blushing mess.
"What? Spit it out girl!"
"To get a pair of your underwear..." you mumble.
He squats down and grabs your chin in his hand, lifting your head so that your eyes meet his. "Don't mumble. Tell me why the fuck you were diggin' through my shit."
"I was looking for your underwear." You whisper, blush lighting your cheeks on fire.

The tent is enveloped in silence as his eyes search your face, gears turning in his mind. "You said Andrea and Lori gave you the dare?" He says finally.
You nod nervously, your eyes wide while watching him. His eyes thin, and he drops your chin. "You know they're just fucking with you, right?"
"I know." You sigh, "But if I play along, maybe she'll like me, yknow?"
"Andrea ain't never gon' like you after what your buddies did to her sister." He responds honestly.
Tears pricked in your eyes as you remembered it, and the looks on all their faces when they had found you hiding in the woods later that night. Pure hatred. Except for Rick, he had been enraged at you and your people, but he let you speak. Andrea had a knife to your throat the moment she laid eyes on you.

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