His bike

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      One day you decided to go on a run on your own. Typically, you stayed around Rick's group and allowed them to protect you, but today you wanted a little independence. You let everyone know where you were going being met by only a little apprehension, and set off on your trek alone.

     Where it had all gone wrong you didn't know, but at the moment you were trapped in a bank with crowds of walkers falling in on every side. The boards on the windows were mostly rotting, and you knew they wouldn't last. You'd looked everywhere for a method of escape and found nothing. Basically, you were done for. Instead of going out hiding like a coward, you decided to fight.

      As the walkers began breaking through the boards you stabbed the closest ones with a home-made spear you made out of a cane. Soon, there were too many to stab and you had to shoot. When you ran out of bullets you hid away in a back storeroom, waiting and listening to the deafening scratching on the wooden door and the groans of the dead.

It felt like you'd been in that suffocating room for hours by the time you heard a commotion outside the door. You pressed your ear to the storage room door hesitantly, listening to the sound of bodies falling as the groans began to quiet. Your heart raced in your chest at the prospect of it being someone who intended to take advantage of you, so you hid yourself away between shelves.

Your heart beat painfully in your chest as you tried to keep your breathing quiet, listening to the sound of heavy, boot-clad footsteps. Finally, the boots came closer to the door, and you heard the jiggling of the doorknob. Your eyes watched the door and you kept a tight grip on your spear, waiting for your assailant to arrive.

The air rushed out of your lungs in a heaving sigh when the door opened, and the eyes that met yours belonged to Daryl Dixon. You flew out from between the shelves and wrapped your arms around his neck. You felt his surprised breathing on your neck and could only smile. "Hi Daryl." You grinned into his shoulder.
       He didn't respond, only wrapping his arms around your waist and squeezing you tightly to his chest.

      After holding each other like that for a moment, you pulled back to give him his space, blushing. "I got myself into a bit of a predicament didn't I?" You joked, laughing awkwardly with your hands in your pockets to keep you from fidgeting.
       "That you did." He responded with a grin, "Are you alright?"
      "Oh yeah, not a scratch on me thanks to you." You flattered him.
      Daryl blushed, his eyes falling to the floor. "Well- we ought to get out of here before the others start worrying, yeah?"

     The two of you walk through the field of slaughtered walkers back to his blood-splattered bike, and you hop on behind him. You hesitantly sit on the seat behind him, not wanting to press into him too close as not to make him uncomfortable. Your hands rest behind you, gripping the seat tightly.

      "Y'know, you will want to hold on to me." He asserts before moving the bike.
       "Oh that's okay, I'm sure I'll be fine." You respond, keeping your hands behind you and a gap between your bodies'.

      Daryl raises an eyebrow skeptically, and pumps the gas before slamming on the brake, sending you flying into his back. The air rushes out of your lungs like you just fell on your back, a thick blush coating your cheeks. "Yeah, okay." You respond, wrapping your arms around his waist apprehensively. Daryl grins like a cat before taking off on the bike, the wind making your hair whip against the sky behind you.

      At first you're nervous, but you quickly begin to calm as his body heat and surw disposition keep you steady. You hold him tighter, nestling your face into his back and letting your hands drop to wrap around his hips instead of his ribs.

      You fail to feel the quickening of his breathing, and his increasing heat. You fail to see the firm hold his teeth have on the inside of his cheek as your touches unknowingly start a wildfire spreading on his skin.

A fire that would keep burning all night long when you got back to Rick and the rest of your group.

A fire that might burn forever.

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