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He hadn't entered yet. But the sound of the glass told her he had made it. 

Kamal was starting to lose control. 

"Who did it?!" He yelled at Meghna before pulling out one of his men in front and holding a gun to his head. 

"You were there weren't you? Who was it? Did you do it?" He turned to Meghna and asked, "Did he do it?" Suddenly, she heard someone groan and looked to the entrance.

And there stood Rocky in all his glory. 

He staggered inside and stopped as he saw Kamal pointing a gun at a man. 

She still couldn't see him properly. The yellow lights shaded his face, his beard and hair covered the well lit parts of his face. All she could make out was sharp eyes that flit through everyone as he watched the scene unravel before him. 

"Kamal. what happened?" Andrews asked stepping into the situation. He still didn't know what had happened. 

"Bangalore is big it seems. Finding him is hard I believe." He looked at Andrews and pulled the trigger. 

Andrews and Daya flinched at the loud sound of the bullet and the thump of the lifeless corpse. 

Meghna was too caught up in observing Rocky to even notice it. He had his drunken gaze set on Kamal, his stance showed anything but fear. 

Kamal turned to the two men who were still shaken up, "must be someone new," one of his henchmen pulled a brown jacket over his arms as he continued, "he's single handedly bashed up all of our boys." Meghna seemed to find amusement in this situation. 

She could tell Kamal that the man he was searching for was the Rocky who was standing a few feet away but that didn't sound fun. 

So she stayed quiet as he shrugged his shoulders to fit his jacket comfortably. 

"He was drunk. With my Reena." He said, every word showcasing the rage he felt. 

At that moment, she wondered if the rage he felt was because of the way Rocky behaved with Reena or if it was because of loosing Rajendra Desai's property, which would inevitably be written in his name after their marriage. 

Then he turned to his men and commanded, "Airport, railway station, bus stand, highway- everything should be shut down! That son of a gun. He should not be escaping for any reason." Meghna felt a small smile tug at her lips, the humour in the situation was far more superior than the seriousness. 

"He must've taunted Reena." Daya said, he looked at Meghna for confirmation but she had her steady gaze fixed on his staggering form. 

"I know. Don't bring him here again Daya. Kamal. If his stars are not right he's bound to get caught by them." Rocky walked closer, he looked around with hooded eyes as he set a cigarette in his mouth and patted around in his pockets for a lighter. 

Noticing that he didn't have one, he bent towards the corpse and started patting on his pockets until he found on lighter and lit his cigarette. 

He was brave, she'll give him that. 

"Do you know who's people you've hit and come? Do you know who that woman is?" Daya asked in a tone which confirmed her suspicions of Daya not liking Andrews' choice either. 

"Who?" he asked, his eyes dead set on Daya. 

"Rajendra Desai's daughter." Daya said, Rocky's expression changed, "Reena." suddenly, he threw his head back and laughed. 

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