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The rain was harsh but it didn't stop Meghna from walking away. 

Eventful would be the right word to describe the day which ended with her and Rocky yelling at each other until Meghna walked out. 

She was soaking wet and was shivering. The road was dark except for a lamp post which was planted a few feet ahead of her. The glow was dull but atleast it wasn't completely dark.

She pursed her lips and blowed on it to maintain some sort of warmth and it was almost working and then suddenly there was a crash and the light went out. 

She froze. 

That was not a good sign. 

And before she could comprehend anything at all, she felt the sharp point of a knife through her. 

The knife went all the way in and she lurched forward, gasping at the sudden shock. Her breath became heavy, she felt numb for a second before a raging fire like pain shot through her entire body, originating from the wound. 

She was gasping at this point, the knife was pulled out harshly sending shocks of pain vibrating. She felt it in her bones.

She staggered forward, clutching at the air for support as though it could help. 

She turned around, facing her attacker but no one was there. 

A bright streak of lightning split the sky and she felt a sharp blade lodge straight into her shoulder. 

She lurched back at the force. It was as though someone had thrown it at her. 

"Who is it?" She tried yelling over the thunder, but to no avail.

A few feet away was a phone booth. The light was dingy and there was an air of yellow within the glass walls. But the phone seemed in a perfect condition. 

She staggered towards it, her breathing had become hard, she could barely feel herself. 


So he wasn't alone. 

And she took off, running towards the phone booth as fast as she possible could with a knife lodged in her shoulder. Every moment acting like a live wire within her cold body. 

Just as she reached the knob of the door, she felt something slice into her skin, right where her kidney was. 

Oh no, this wasn't good. 

She'd studied about this. 

It was a very sensitive place surrounded by nerves. Even the cut of one nerve could lead to her death and here was a knife in her body.

Judging by the flow of blood she'd had a maximum of five hours, that is, if she admitted herself into a hospital. 

But Lord knew where she was and so she threw herself into the phone booth and closed it tightly behind her. 

Picking up the phone with trembling hands, she dialled in Rocky's room number. 

He must be there. 

Please pick up. 

Please pick up. 

Pick up. 

Pick up. 


There was a loud bang against the glass pane, a man with a log of wood stood there, expression furious as he yelled at his goons who stood on all sides. 

She redialled his number. 

Please pick up. 

Please pick up the phone.

Please pick up. 

Please god. 

Glass smashed in. 

She lost her consciousness. 

And he picked up the phone.

author's note
how's everyone doing so far??
i've fianlly updated
do not rely on me to update regularly because i'm in 12th grade right now.
nothing is predictable.
my love to anyone who stuck by, thank you so much <33

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