Chapter Thirteen - Flustered

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After seeing his father's car there early, and paying Max off to vouch for him, we ended up in the motel nearby.

"I can sleep on the floor." He said, grabbing two towels from the bathroom and drying himself off, handing me one.

"There's a couch." I pointed at the small couch on the other side of the room.

"Have you seen me? That's like, half my size at most, (Y/N)." He sat down on the corner of the bed. I nodded, and dried my hair and clothes off as well.

"Do you think the rest of the storm will be done soon?" I asked, and he grunted in response, not really answering the question. The storm had temporarily calmed before I climbed the tree, and while we made it to town, but now it felt two times worse.

"I swear to god, if the power-" He was interrupted by a bolt of lightning and large bang sound, and the power shutting off. "... shuts off..." He finished his sentence in the dark.

"I'm blaming you for that." I said, trying to remain calm, but the cold was setting in again, and the storm raging outside was not helping my nerves. Billy moved through the dark, closing the curtains and grabbing my hand, leading me to the bed slowly.

"Take off your shoes and clothes." He said, in a firm voice.

"Excuse me?!" I retorted.

"The wet clothes, they're going to make you colder. And your shoes will make the bed muddy." He sighed, like this was the most obvious thing in the world. "I managed to keep my shirt dry. You can wear that instead." He threw his shirt at me, and I grabbed it.

"I'm going to change in the bathroom." I told him.

"Why? Can't see shit. I know, because I've already taken off everything else." He laughed. I blushed a little, and bit my lip.

"Fine." I said, taking off everything expect my underwear, and putting his shirt on. His body heat had also warmed up the shirt, and it felt nice.

"You done?" He asked, and I nodded, before remembering he couldn't see me.

"Yeah." I said, and climbed into the bed. He had already laid down under the covers, and I followed suit. "I thought you were going to sleep on the floor?"

"Don't worry. I'm not going to touch you." He said.

"I didn't think you would." I sighed, facing the ceiling. "I just... I don't know. I didn't want you on the floor anyway. It's cold."

"That all?" He asked, his voice flirty, but mildly disappointed.

"Well, you're hot too." I responded, before realizing what I said. "Like body heat! You're very warm!" I covered my face, embarrassed and tired.

"I know what you meant." He turned, facing away from me.

A Bridge Over Troubled Water (Billy Hargrove X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now