Toxic Things They Do

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Luz is a child and I am as well, I will also assume the reader is under 18. While Luz is a child and is trying to figure out the world around her there are a few toxic things she could do. When Luz gets back from the boiling isles there could be some arguments that happen about how Luz doesn't tell you anything. She either tells you a little bit or nothing at all. It's in good nature since she thinks if she tells you, you somehow might get involved, and then you are at risk of being taken from her.

She won't let that happen, she can't. 

Since she can't, she'll do everything in her power to hold information about the isles and what happened there.


Since Eda's curse caused her to be separated for most of her life she is very dependent on you for emotional support. She also sometimes forgets to take care of herself since she's focused on you. Luz and King have been her support system for a while and she helps them and vice versa. When you came into the picture it was suddenly different. She looks to you for a lot of support because she's never really had a partner that stayed.

She's had her fair share of exes and bad dates but you stayed. She wants you to stay. She has this warped sense of reality because of this. She loves you but once she knows you love her back you might have to be ready for the sudden emotional dependence she has. If you teach her she'll understand but you need to be patient because she is pretty stubborn.


Willow is pretty blunt. When she talks to you she is speaking from her heart, more than her mind. She tells you things she likes about you, things she notices, and things she hates. It may seem harsh at first but she just wants to let you know that you can count on her to help you improve. You do have to make it clear that you don't want to improve if that is not your path but she might become a bit hurt at this.

Willow is the most understanding so she will understand if you do not like her criticisms.


Amity wants to do her best to impress you, so what's the best way to do that? Change herself completely to fit your standards. She does it drastically as well. Saw you staring at someone with a certain hairstyle. Tries to copy it in a certain way. Someone's makeup in a certain style that you like. Well, now Amity wears makeup in that same exact style. 

Even if you encourage her that you like her the way she is she will still have her doubts. You would have to help her change her hair (or something else) back to the way she wants it to fully gain her sense that what you said was true. Even then it does happen more than once.


Gus will actively expect you to reciprocate any form of affection he shows. He hugs you, he expects one back. Kisses you, will expect you to kiss him again. He doesn't tell you he wants that though. He feels like if he begs the universe enough he'll receive what he wants. He gets upset when you don't catch on so he will give you the silent treatment for a bit.

I say a bit because he does feel more emotionally connected to you and can't fathom being without you.


Hunter feels like relationships are a power dynamic because he was never taught otherwise. He knows how powerful you are and a certain part of him fears the possibility of making you angry enough to hurt and leave him. He does many acts of service and is careful with how he approaches you. He has to ask your permission when he wants to initiate any form of physical affection because he fears you will reject it. 

He thinks he's at the bottom of a power chart compared to you, no matter how much healing he's been through it'll still be hard for him to ease up to you.


The Collector is powerful, has been told their powerful, and knows they're powerful. With this, they don't feel threatened by anything anyone could do. Because of this constant reaffirming of their power they don't think they can do anything wrong. They'll cross your boundaries unless you tell them why it's wrong. 

The Collector has a mind of a child so they just need to be told right from wrong along with why they're right or wrong.

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