Chapter 7

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Harry was about to go get some lunch from the diner when his mobile rang.

Normally he would have ignored it, but in this case he had to answer it. The ringtone said it all...someone had called his phone and it had been redirected straight to his cell. And only a legitimate client could get in contact with him, since he had no patience for telemarketers.


"Is this Harry Potter, barrister extraordinaire?" asked the voice.

"I don't have patience for idle chit chat. What's the case and what fee are we talking about here?" said Harry bluntly.

"The case is that the US Army is trying to take my suit, despite the fact I'm a civilian contractor. And after the amount of damage you did to that secret society kidnapping kids, I couldn't think of a better person to ask to tell the idiots in Washington to bite me," said the possible client.

Harry's eyes narrowed. The US Army trying to confiscate a suit from a civilian contractor? There was only one congressional hearing that this man could be talking about.

"Is this Tony Stark?" he asked suspiciously.

Hearing the dead silence on the phone, he had evidently hit the nail on the head.

Harry looked at the clock. Judging by the time, it would take SHIELD another hour or so to try and confiscate Jane's equipment, and two hours after to find the traps he had set for them.

He could spare half an hour to go piss off the US government. It wasn't like he had anything else as entertaining to do today, and Stark might give him a copy of the video if he asked.

"I'm in, but I want a copy of the video so I can watch the looks on the senator's faces later," he said.


Harry was out of New Mexico and in Washington before the breakfast rush. Sometimes it paid to wake up early.

(Across the universe, every sentient being shuddered. Nothing good could possibly come from an alliance between a lawyer Harry and Tony Stark in the mood to prank someone. Especially once Tony learned of how Harry tended to play pranks on Jane and the others when he was in a bad mood).


"This hearing is now in session. For the record, why are you here Mr. Potter? I thought you operated out of England only?" asked the Senator, eyes narrowing.

"Stark is my client at the moment," he replied smoothly. The viper pin on his lapel made some of the less reputable senator's shudder.

The Viper of England and Tony Stark together? This hearing wouldn't end as easily as the idiot had hoped.

The man coughed, and started reading the charges.

Harry listened before he rolled his eyes. This was a farce and anyone who had sense would acknowledge that.

Stark may have designed the concept behind the Iron Man while under contract, but he had created the 'true' version after severing ties with the US military. The only reason he even had contacts with the military is because half of the scientists they hired under oath were lacking in the imagination department.

Anyone with any real intelligence stayed independent of the military and any government. It may mean less cash and a bit more difficulty getting any restricted materials, but the freedom more than made up for it.

There was a reason why he had never joined a law firm like half his classmates once he graduated and passed the bar. If he couldn't talk his way out of a lawsuit then he deserved to pay for it.

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