Chapter 12

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Harry braced himself while the plane damn near crashed onto the street. It took him a moment to reorient himself with the ground...and to activate the suit Tony had made for him.

He had a spell that made it much easier to haul around, and Tony had asked if he could do the same for one of his suits. It would be nice to have them on hand in case of the event like the one at the racetrack a year ago with the mad Russian.

Harry had agreed to enchant his armor once this nonsense was over with. He had already looked up several spells to lace his armor with before, and apparently the energy from the Arc powered chest piece Tony had keeping him alive was magic friendly enough that his suit could work with it.

Then again, Harry vividly remembered Loki's attempt to turn Stark against them, only for it to fail because Tony's life was being sustained by the same energy that the Tesseract used.

He also remembered the fact that the Chitauri weren't actually working for Loki, but another force which sought to gain the attention of Loki's daughter Hel. Thanos, the Mad Titan, was the true culprit behind Loki's sudden appearance in the research base that the cube had been held at.

True, Loki was currently being used by the corrupted mind of Thanos...but he wasn't exactly fighting for control either. He needed this banishment to grow up past his petty jealousy.

Harry grinned as he heard the tones of ACDC blasting from Tony's suit. He liked music as much as Tony did, so he decided to counter Tony's rock with something he had become addicted to since he saw the movies. He blamed Darcy for dragging him to the theatre when it came out.

He started blaring one of the songs from Rio, specifically the one where Blue first heard samba music. If he remembered right, it was called Hot Wings.

He was humming to the catchy music as he blasted another Chitauri with a wind spell, sending it crashing into the one ahead of it. There were very few movies that had any decent music that he would buy the soundtrack to.

He winced when he saw Thor using one of the nearby skyscrapers as a makeshift lightning rod and frying the aliens as they came out. Didn't that idiot know that the conductors on those things could only take so much before it fried the electronics in the building?

And with the amount of constant electricity Thor was sending out, he had little doubt that the idiot had fried everything with a chip in it that was unlucky enough to be on.

Harry's face frowned in open annoyance. As one who used a laptop damn near daily, he could empathize with the frustration those people would feel later when this was over.

His magic crackled under his hand. Memories of Loki using the Casket of the Jotuns against Heimdall came to mind for some reason. He wasn't one to ignore such an idea.

His hand flashed before him, quick as a serpent's bite.

Ice magic flared in his body before it launched itself at the vehicle before him, freezing the engines solid. It felt familiar, like an old friend come to greet him. He wasn't about to ignore such an interesting power when it could be used for good.

He could feel Thor's shocked gaze at the sight of the power of the Frost Giants, creatures he had been raised to believe were monsters, being used to defend creatures Loki would call weak.

He knew of Loki's heritage...Odin had come clean on that front shortly after Loki vanished...but this was the first real proof of that heritage.

His upbringing warred with his belief that Loki truly was his brother, before his mind settled on an answer.

Harry was Loki, a Frost Giant raised as an Aesir. Where Loki's sarcastic and biting comments came with a hint of condescension (and yes, Thor had noticed it), Harry's tongue had a more of a fond exasperation to it. When Loki insulted you, you knew that he felt that you were beneath him in so many ways. When Harry did it, you could tell that he was openly irritated but not being cruel for cruelty's sake.

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