Chapter 13

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By the time Ginny Weasley located Harry Potter, he was already travelling by Bifrost to Asgard.

Loki was unsurprised at the guards that were sent to keep him in check while they went to the palace. Harry had already thrown on a disillusionment charm since he didn't want anyone to know of his existence yet. Thor openly grinned when he noticed Harry had his flight suit on and was flying ahead of them. With the charm it would be impossible for the turrets to lock onto him, and Harry had openly said he was not riding a bloody horse.

Harry watched as Loki was banished to Earth as an infant, and sent a small amount of magic to comfort his past self. He would need it in the days to come. Once that was done Odin addressed Harry directly.

He had already removed his flight suit the moment they reached the palace. Now he just had to remove his charm.

Frigga gasped in surprise when she saw the near identical copy of her banished son. The main difference was that Harry had actual warmth in his eyes instead of the cold condescension that dominated Loki's gaze.

"Harry Potter. It is good that you're finally decided to grace these halls," said Odin.

"Not by choice, I assure you. While I must thank you for removing the blocks on my powers and allowing me to regain my true memories, I am not exactly thrilled to be back," said Harry.

Frigga wasn't the only one confused.

"I must admit my confusion. Have we met before?" she asked.

Harry turned to look at her, and she saw Loki in his eyes.

"Hello mother. It appears that unlike Thor, my mortal shell seems to have decided to simply take on some of my characteristics instead of reverting back to my original form," he said calmly.

"Loki? But you were just banished!" said Sif in open confusion.

"I was. Into the middle of a civil war between sorcerers I might add," he drawled. "However Odin seems to believe I've redeemed myself enough that I was allowed to regain my true memories."

Thor spoke up.

"Harry," he stressed the name. "Is the mortal form of Loki. However unlike my brother he seems to understand that his silver tongue and powers are to be used in the defense of others rather than for himself. He is considered a champion of the outcasts and those that society would normally consider monsters."

"I'm known as the Viper for a reason you idiot. If it wasn't for the fact that foolish mortal seeks to control me from beyond Helheim's gates, I wouldn't have even bothered returning at all," said Harry irritably.

Thor suddenly grinned.

"You mean because of this?" he said. He brought out a few sheets of printed paper that Phil had so generously given him as blackmail material.

Harry swore under his breath, before he whipped out his phone and sent a text to Clint. By this time tomorrow, Phil would be a woman for the next month. A light ping told him that the message was received.

"Blasted Coulson. I hope he enjoys squatting to use the loo for the next month," grumbled Harry.

"Tell me Harry Potter...Will you take Loki's title since he was banished?" asked Odin.

"I'll take his place, since we are one and the same. The only difference is that Loki was a monumental child and I at least acknowledge that being a Frost Giant's son doesn't automatically make me a monster. Besides, unlike Loki I know for a fact the mortals are more interesting than Aesir. For example..."

Thor only had a brief moments warning from Harry's tone before Harry tossed him and had him pinned. Sif and many other warriors stared in disbelief. Harry, no Loki, was so slight! How had he tossed Thor of all people?!

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