Chapter 16

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Harry and Matt managed to diffuse most of the outcry against superheroes within a matter of weeks. They worked together on a case-by-case basis, and Matt found that Harry was only snarky when he felt he was about to deal with his brother Thor for example, or the majority of the US Congress.

Harry put up with Matt's rather foolish partner, mostly because while the man was a bit of a naïve idiot, he was also the only one who had been brave enough to partner with a now former blind man.

Matt had a special pair of glasses that transmitted images directly into the sensory portions of his brain, so for the first time in years, he could actually see.

Because they bypassed the eyes, Matt still had his super-sensory abilities...and he had confided in Harry that he was in fact the Daredevil.

Harry hadn't cared one whit about his super identity, only with his ability to handle case work without leaving the bulk of the workload on him.

So when Matt called him in to deal with a rape charge against one of the Kingpin's worst offenders, Harry was there in a heartbeat.


Matt was loving this new partnership. The look on the defendant's face when they realized who the man hiding behind the rather dorky looking glasses was...well if he wasn't busy enjoying their expressions he would have been laughing.

Harry however was chuckling evilly as the defendant's legal team all but pissed themselves when they realized who he was. The Viper pin on his lapel gleamed silver as he waltzed up to the stand and started tearing down the man's defense.

Harry had little tolerance for murderers and none for rapists. It was a sick, depraved crime and one he was all too happy to help out with if it meant putting scum like this behind bars.

By the time they left the court, the man was put into prison for the next ten years without even a chance at parole, and the defense was tearing their hair out wondering where a hooker had gotten the cash to pay for someone like Harry bloody Potter.

"I must admit, that was very enjoyable," said Harry. He had never actually gone into cases like this...he had started straight at the top and the chance to defend the little guy had never come up.

However putting people like that rapist behind bars had been particularly satisfying.

"Did you see the look on their faces when they finally realized who you were?" grinned Matt.

"Totally worth waiving my fee," cackled Harry.

"You up for breakfast tomorrow?"

"And miss on you pranking your friend? Of course I'm in!"

"You're paying," deadpanned Matt.

"Just make sure he gets the mustard instead of the honey and I'll throw in lunch," snickered Harry.


Matt only wore the glasses when he really wanted to see something. Most of the time he went without them, despite Harry's assurances that they were unbreakable. So the chance that he could prank his partner was too fun to pass up.

Harry was beside Matt while he was adding to his coffee when she walked in.

Elektra, the Greek beauty who separated herself from her father's criminal business. Very rarely did he have any prophetic visions, but he could see that Matt and Elektra would make one of the ultimate power couples. Seeing Matt prank his friend before going over to try and introduce himself, Harry grinned.

He sent a fake familiar to watch the show, and it was very entertaining indeed.


"So you impressed Elektra enough that she sent you an invite to the ball? Thank Valhalla," said Harry.

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