Chapter 2

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BAU Privet Jet 

The case took the team to Florida of all places because that's where all the worst cases typically were. The locals ended up stumbling on a serial killer's graveyard while they were cleaning up debris from the ocean floor. All in all, there were over 20 different skeleton remains that got pulled up from 100 meters below the surface of the water. 

It took the team a while to identify the bodies or put together victimology let alone a profile. After almost 3 weeks the team managed to catch their unsub who was a fisherman abducting people along the East coast. Then he'd torture them dislocate their bones and joints before dropping their remains in the ocean. 

"So how does it feel to be back?" Morgan asked as he sat across the table from Severide. "It's nice, other than the cases. But putting these sickos away, stopping them from hurting anyone else. That's why I joined the academy in the first place, and I get to work with an amazing team." The blonde replied. "When we get back wanna go for a couple of drinks?" JJ asked the team who all agreed after the case as their gaze fell on Severide who was the only one that hadn't said anything on the subject. "I don't know guys," Severide said unsure of whether she should drink tonight after going on a month-long alcohol bender. 

"Come on it'll be fun," Prentiss said as the jet began to land at the airport in Virginia. "First rounds on me kid," Rossi offered, "Guys I spent a month downing my sorrows into tequila, I don't think its- I'll cut you off long before that point," Morgan said as the team walked off the Jet and along the tarmac heading into the airport. "Okay but I'm not drinking a lot," Severide replied agreeing as the team entered the parking garage climbing into their own vehicles and took off towards the office. 

FBI Academy, Quantico Virginia

Severide was the last one to pull into the parking garage of the academy instantly noticing the look of confusion on her team's face as she parked in her spot and hopped out of the bright red Ferarri. "You got a Ferarri?" Morgan asked her in disbelief as she walked over to her team who had the same confused look. "Yup and it's the best decision I made since I got a townhouse with my brother," Severide said with a smile as the team walked into the elevator. 

The team sent her a look, "I couldn't get paid enough to live with my siblings again, I love them but not that much." Hotch said. "Really though, I like my space and privacy." Morgan adds, "You mean for your walk of shames?" Prentiss asked earning a laugh from everyone as they walked off the elevator that let them out on their floor. 

"Isn't that gonna be awkward for you and lover boy?" Morgan asked Severide as they all walked through the glass doors into the office. "Not really, Jay and I aren't really together anymore and Kelly has more women coming and going he doesn't get a say in who I see," Severide replied as she walked over to her desk noticing her bag was gone and her desk was set up. "I put everything away for you," Garcia said walking into the room behind them. Zoey smiled setting her go bag down before walking over and pulling her into a hug. "Thank you, Penelope," she said, "It wasn't the same here without you," Garcia said before letting go of the agent. "So who's ready to get their drink on?" Morgan asked from his desk. 

The team all agreed gathering their things as they all left the building together heading towards the bar. Severide got a ride from Reid who never really drank and when he did it was usually only a glass. 

Little lights Bar, Quantico Virginia

The team was sitting at a table talking over drinks as they mostly watched Morgan on the dance floor surrounded by women dancing and drinking with him. "What a snake charmer," Prentiss said with a chuckle watching the agent sway with the woman causing the team to laugh a bit at Morgan's Player attitude. "He's a god," Garcia said from next to Severide who nearly blew her vodka soda out her nose at the comment. The blonde sat there in a coughing fit for a moment which made the team laugh harder at the agent's reaction to Garcia's comment. "You good?" Hotch asked with a smile on his face trying to contain another round of laughter. "Yup, good," Severide said clearing her throat and catching her breath as her phone rang. 

Zoey pulled out the device instantly answering the call, "SSA Severide," she said with a smile happy to be back at work, and happy she was to not be lost in painful memories. It was the first time since the incident that she forgot about the pain and loss she'd endured. "Hey Zo, how's Florida?" Kelly asked through the line, "It was Florida, have I mentioned how much I despise that state?" she said earning a light laugh from her brother. "Once or twice, so your birthday's coming up..." her brother said causing Zoey to roll her eyes at the mention. "Ugh don't remind me, I was hoping you'd honestly forget," she said. 

"How could I forget?" Her brother said, "So are you gonna come home?" he asked. "I just got back to work, Kells. We can get some drinks when I get back but I can't promise I'll have it off," Zoey said through the line. "Come on Zoey after the year you had, I was really hoping to see you and celebrate the fact you're still alive. Especially since you almost died on me what 5 times this year?" he said more than asked. "I celebrated being alive for a month straight Kells," she said through the line. "Well get some drinks when I come home, I promise. I love you" she said through the phone as her brother said he loved her too and Zoey hung up walking back over to the table she wandered away from when Kelly called. 

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